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Juwel Primo - LED light replacements


28 Aug 2023
I have a tank which I believe to be an old Juwel Primo 60. It has a Juwel label, the style and dimensions match, but it has an old fashioned T8 incandescent tube rather than a modern LED bar. I wanted to swap this out for an LED, and found a Superfish LED replacement (seemingly of the right dimensions) which was designed to be backwards-compatible. But it... well, it doesn't fit, and it doesn't seem to plug in to the existing electronics in the hood either. I'm not sure where to go from here - jury-rig a different way of attaching it to the hood and just run the cord out the back? Find a different bulb which is fully backwards compatible? (If so, any recommendations on where?) Contacting Juwel is on my radar as an option, but I suspect their answer will be along the lines of "buy our new hood for £££", so I'm hoping there will be some more budget-friendly suggestions here :)
