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Juwel aquariums


New Member
24 Jul 2021
Hello everyone, I'm moving back to tropical planted tanks from reef keeping. I'd like to eventually get a braceless tank but to start with and to get me back into the hobby I've been looking at juwel aquariums (I had a few years ago) what are they like as a planted set up? I see they come with the led units are they suitable for decent plant growth? I will be using pressurised co2.
Hello everyone, I'm moving back to tropical planted tanks from reef keeping. I'd like to eventually get a braceless tank but to start with and to get me back into the hobby I've been looking at juwel aquariums (I had a few years ago) what are they like as a planted set up? I see they come with the led units are they suitable for decent plant growth? I will be using pressurised co2.

Hello, I was in a similar position as you. I was looking for a used juwel but I found a used fluval roma. At first I was going to get the fluval plant 3.0 so I could get the stock look with the top lid in place or with a juwel the corresponding high end light (which was adequate according to my research).

My concerns with the juwel was the massive internal filter but I found a very nice layout from tropica that worked well around it. Have a look b79fe5cc14fe12407b2f4b87957e07b2.jpg

With the Rio i was going to keep the filter as it's a VERY quiet filter. Virtually silent. And get a koralia nano wavemaker to supplement the flow.

In the end though I went the fluval way, used a fluval external filter (307) and cut the lid to make room for the pipes. Then i found a replacement inlet and outlet so it looks prettier with lily pipes ( aqua rio premium). Ultimately i removed the lid to make room for a chihiros light (as they don't like hooded tanks). I went for a chihiros light as the fluval one reported looked yellowish and made everything look dull. I could technically keep it under the lid but I decided it's better not to.

I'm confident you can do the same with the juwel. It is an expensive solution though so I'd buy a used juwel and then decide whether you want to remove the internal filter or not and whether you mind removing the lid.

Fur the fluval it worked our really well. The chihiros slim looks like it was meant for the tank (same aluminium pattern and colour as the fluval lid).

Removing the lid really gives u the chance to do whatever you want.

Here's my setup. See if you can do something similar.
Chihiros and fluval lid to create shade
Chihiros and fluval lid have the exact same dimensions so I can rest the lid on top during tank maintenance.

Chihiros supports on the "lip" of the plastic top part. The chihiros has screws to lock the length of the supports. No chance of this light falling in the tank.

I cut a perspex to shape to shade the side of the tank so I can watch it without being blinded.
End result.

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Planting up a Juwel, with original equipment including internal filter and nothing else is something I've been meaning to have a go at for some time. I've been looking for a decent Rio 450 on eBay, but haven't found one yet. Seems everyone wants unrealistic money for a second hand one.

Give it a go, I'm sure it'll work fine, especially low energy, and if you can control light intensity. But you might be better in the long run just going with a braceless optiwhite from the get go.
I've had juwel tanks for decades and would call them solid and dependable rather than magnificent. They do the job and keep on going even if other tanks may look better.

If you want a high end planted tank or like to customise your filter, lighting etc, then I would go with that from the start, its the same advice for any off the shelf package. If you are happy to make do with what you get in the juwel setup then you can get nice results. My brother has a lido, more for fish than plants, and it's been great for easy plants without co2 or any extras. He does have the older led version lights which aren't controllable and this is really my only annoyance with the tank because it was hard balancing the lighting in the beginning.