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Juwel 450 Vision - Hardscape ideas...?


6 Jul 2017
Hello all,

I currently have a Juwel Vision 450 which I managed to get for about £50 having moved up from a Rio 180 which I had heavily planted.
Its taking me some time getting used to the complexities of a larger tank but it seems i'm getting there slowly now.
However I'm just not happy with my scape and would really like some inspiration for larger tanks as I'm planning to pop to AquariumGardens next week and get some new wood and rocks. I want some larger pieces that actually fit better with the huge size of the tank.

Also, had anyone ever used the huge pieces of rocks you can find at local garden centres, I know they'll be find to use but wanted to get an idea of what they can look like.

Many thanks
I like large focal points on large tanks i think they just work, i'm not speaking from experience though as i can't own anything huge myself.

a good example is this video from Filipe Oliveira.

And George Farmer's aquascaper 1200 illustrates a nice open substrate large tank.

Also, had anyone ever used the huge pieces of rocks you can find at local garden centres, I know they'll be find to use but wanted to get an idea of what they can look like.
Take a read through Mark Evans journals - he has a few scapes done with local (big pieces) stone
(easiest done through Profile Page - Post Areas - Journals (note any journals moved to Featured Journals are no longer listed in Journals))

Also this Inspiration Tank from Tropica

Looking forward to your journey 🙂