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Juwel 125 Hood


8 Dec 2011
Ok so theres the possibility of getting an extremely cheap Juwel 125 full setup, bar opne thing, some stage the hood with its lighting etc has been removed, seen a few spares sites but not sure what im looking at, has anyone done something similar or have a solution?

If you do could you link or point me in the right direction, it would be much appreciated! its a great deal but its sort of hindering me, the hood on it doesnt fit and is just a standby, thank you in advance!
do you have to put the hood on ? the 125 is fairly small you could leave it open topped and just get a light bar that sits above it.

failing that i'm sure you'll be able to buy an official juwel one from somewhere which will just push back over the top.

or if you're feeling diy ish get some marine ply and build your own its just a rectangle box with a hinged lid nice and simple
Thanks guys for the shouts, see thats whats confused me, if you buy the lights do they just slot in and the flaps then are included or what? to me thats just the bar that runs along the middle, sorry firswt ever tank of proper size and dont really want to buy stuff for it not to work, its hood is juwel but T8s and only 1 tube