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Just uploaded a new video - does copper in ferts kill shrimp?


10 May 2013
Watford, UK
Hey all

Just started a new video series to check the effects of E I Salts (ferts) on shrimp and shrimp heavy tanks.

Have a look and tell me what you think:
Great video.

I have a copper test kit, and once I did an experiment to work out exactly how much copper EI trace elements add to a tank.

As far as I can remember, even dosing 10X the recommended dose, my copper test kit was showing zero!
Thanks loads Andy. The more subs the better as I want to do a LOT of reviews this year and a lot of DIY's.

Uploaded 4 videos last night and will be doing a basic, how to set up a shrimp tank soon as well as creating a hamburg matten filter.

Will dabble in CO2 later 🙂 Or maybe a Pico Planted tank 🙂
Noticed any ill effects? I'm not sure I can watch the video at the moment.
Sorry mate, what's your name 🙂

Edit: I've managed to watch the most recent video ( signals terrible, as I'm working out in the sticks!).
This video should show people newer to dosing that at least the more robust shrimps are not noticeably affected by trace amounts of copper in fertilisers.
Good video! :thumbup:
My name is saucy minx 🙂 Just kidding: Justis.

No ill effects. Please watch and subscribe if you can. The shrimp and snails are happy as... well shrimp and snails with the copper not doing anything bad two weeks in.
My name is saucy minx 🙂 Just kidding: Justis.

No ill effects. Please watch and subscribe if you can. The shrimp and snails are happy as... well shrimp and snails with the copper not doing anything bad two weeks in.

I did wonder If that was your name. :facepalm:
Good, I will subscribe 🙂
These are good videos and the information is useful as I'm just starting up my planted tank. It would have been good if you took regular photos of the tank you tested on to see the change in the plants 🙂