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Just been for a look around Aqua Forest, Tokyo..


1 Dec 2012
East Renfrewshire
I am in Tokyo on business and thought that a nice way to spend my one free day would be to visit a LFS. I was I initaly planning to get over to the ADA galleries but they are shut for a major re-scape, so instead using google as my friend, I decided to head up to the Aqua Forest shop in Shinjuku. It was quite and adventure just finding the place but well worth it. Poor quality phone pics and video to follow.

I know nada Japanease, here are the instructions I followed: 案内図

Appoligies for any typos, the sake is really quite good.
...so I thought that I would pop back today spend the spare Yen in my pocket, I remember seeing a pair of nice pair of ADA scissors ( as a nice souvinear ) but was not really looking at the prices, can you guess how much they were?

1 pint of Internet beer for the best guess.