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Joining/Sticking Landscape Rocks together

browning IRL

15 Dec 2008
Naas, Ireland.
Does anyone know ifs its either possible or safe to silicone two pieces of landscape rock together to try and mould a required shape for my scape. Will aquarium silicone be required for could I use ordinary clear silicone from the DIY shop ?


I can't see why not, im not sure i would risk any thing other than aquarium silicone. Others here may have other ideas about silicone from diy stores.

Cheers Gordon.
will be fine, ensure it has about 24 hours to 'set' just to be safe. make sure you cant see the silicone otherwise it will look bad.
Don't use kitchen or bathroom silicone from DIY shops as it contains fungicides that are very toxic to fish and other aquatic life. You have to use silicone that is aquarium safe. You might also want to look at using milliput that sets into rock hard epoxy, this could then be submerged almost instantly whereas silcione needs 24 hours to set before submerging it. If you have the time use silicone though.
Superman said:
Didn't someone recommend using superglue to stick plants to wood? I would thought that the same would be ok for rocks.

It would be fine if you can get the two surfaces to meet as it's a contact adhesive. Silcone will fill the little gaps between the rocks two uneven surfaces and give a better grip. If the two pieces are very flat then it might work though!