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Jewel Rio 180 Maiden Planted tank - New photos 21/10


29 May 2009
Firstly, sorry if you've already seen this on another *cough* forum. I hope we are all friends here! 😉

I've got mostly setup so i won't bore you with all the tiny details, but i am chuffed with the result so far. If anyone has any suggestions please let me know. Its sometimes difficult to appraise with neutral eyes.

This was the initial setup before i moved the external over from my old 2 foot tank.



And this is after about 2/3 weeks. I have 2 Peguin Tetra, 2 Black Neon, 1 Lonely Neon and only a couple of cherry shrimp left 🙁 . I am adding some Cardinals this weekend and the final stock list includes Sterbai Cory, Otos, Pair of Blue Rams and more Cardinals. Oh and some more cherry shrimp too. 😀


Thanks for looking, any questions fire away....
Re: Jewel Rio 180 Maiden Planted tank

A few pictures from today...



My first ever aquatic flower 😛
Re: Jewel Rio 180 Maiden Planted tank

Hey Fubar. Welcome to the forums! Looks like you've made a good start there 🙂

thefubar said:
I've got mostly setup so i won't bore you with all the tiny details, but i am chuffed with the result so far. If anyone has any suggestions please let me know. Its sometimes difficult to appraise with neutral eyes.

Please, give us details. We're all nerds here 🙂 Are you dosing any fertilisers etc? Plants are looking lovely and healthy.
Re: Jewel Rio 180 Maiden Planted tank

can i ask why there are pins on the wood? am i missing something obvious?
Re: Jewel Rio 180 Maiden Planted tank

SteveUK said:
Hey Fubar. Welcome to the forums! Looks like you've made a good start there 🙂

thefubar said:
I've got mostly setup so i won't bore you with all the tiny details, but i am chuffed with the result so far. If anyone has any suggestions please let me know. Its sometimes difficult to appraise with neutral eyes.

Please, give us details. We're all nerds here 🙂 Are you dosing any fertilisers etc? Plants are looking lovely and healthy.

I'll kick off with the vital statistics.
Juwel Rio 180 101L x 50H x 41W cm 200l/55Gal
Filter: TetraTec EX700
Lights: 2x24W T5 Arcadia Over-Tank Luminere
Heater: 150W Rena SmartHeater
Substrate: Pool Filter Sand (Approx. 2" depth)

I dose 5.2 ml Easy-Carbo daily
and3.0 ml of Profito daily too.

2 Penguin Tetra
2 Black Neon Tetra
1 Neon Tetra
2 Cherry Shrimp
++ More to be added soon [Cardinals, Blue Rams and Corys to name a few]
Indian Fern
Vallis Torta
Hygro Polysperma
Red Amazon
Nymphea Stellata
Amazon Swords
Vallis Corkscrew lrg
Ech Tennellus
Crypt Nevilli
Crypt Wendtii
[Plus some moss ball which i think is called Clado something!]

Nick16 said:
can i ask why there are pins on the wood? am i missing something obvious?

they are there to hold my tiny java fern sprouts in place. I keep meaning to take it out and use some thread/wool but i am waiting for some java moss to arrive so i can do both together. Adds a focus point though too ... don't ya think!!
Re: Jewel Rio 180 Maiden Planted tank

Someone else who uses pins for holding down plants on wood, fanatastic! I thought i was the only one who thought of this. Wool/thread is too fidlly for me. I'm not the most gracious with my fingers so i just bash in pins and lightly press them either side of the rhyzome 🙂 Once they've taken hold i jsut remove the pins. Simple.

Nice little tank, certainly a good start
Re: Jewel Rio 180 Maiden Planted tank

Verminator said:
Someone else who uses pins for holding down plants on wood, fanatastic! I thought i was the only one who thought of this. Wool/thread is too fidlly for me. I'm not the most gracious with my fingers so i just bash in pins and lightly press them either side of the rhyzome 🙂 Once they've taken hold i jsut remove the pins. Simple.

Nice little tank, certainly a good start

Oh no, i've left the "push-pin" group. The over-whelming sway has dragged me to the polyester thread group instead! Only because i think a fish nudged a pin or two and my little java fern-lets were floating about and pins were washing about too.

I have reloated the java fern onto their own bogwood cut-off and the entire branch is now java moss. I have covered with netting to hold it in place for a couple of weeks and then hopefully i can remove it and let it develop more freely.

I also have 2 cans of xmas moss waiting to form a moss wall. I bought the mesh that i thought would be suitable but i think the 5mm is too small. I'm looking for 8-10mm instead now.


I also have 5 new Otos in the tank and they have cleaned up my glass a treat. I am starting to introduce veggies to keep them satified.
Re: Jewel Rio 180 Maiden Planted tank

I know its been a while but i wanted to update this (and you wonderful people) about how i am progressing. [plus i found these threads really useful before i started, so trying to return the favour a bit] anyhow...

I added a moss wall to the tank. Using Xmas moss and strong thread to attach it to black netting. This is the first photo after it went into the tank. and below is after a few weeks of growth. ATM it is on the left-hand side of the tank, but i think i am going to move it to the back wall soon.


My current stock list is:
1 Sterbai Cory
1 Black Cory
5 Otos
4 Cardinals
2 Neons
a load of Cherry Shrimp and some Assassin snails (with eggs too!)

I am hoping to add a few more cardinals this weekend, then some more corys (trying for 4 sterbai and 4 blacks) in a few weeks.
Long-term i want to add a pair of Rams to the tank also.

I bought an Anubias Berteri and i hope to "attach" him to some bogwood this weekend too. I want to add some crypt Balansae for the back ground and some anubias nana for the foreground. I might have to delve into ebay for some flame moss for the top of the other bogwood.

Here is the most recent pic i have and i will be taking another one soon.

Re: Jewel Rio 180 Maiden Planted tank

i have 4 spieces of moss and i've also tried to do moss wall using xmas moss,but with no success 🙁 it just would'nt grow,then i've tried peacock moss and it grows realy nice,so not sure why xmas does'nt grow :?
Re: Jewel Rio 180 Maiden Planted tank

I am happy that the growth is steady, but nothing more than that. It is a great place for the baby shrimps to hide in, but i want to move it under the spray bar on the back wall, we sit directly in front of the tank and the wall looks naff form the side.

I'm guessing the other two moss are Java and Willow? Light, Ferts and Co2 (either gas or liquid) should give growth. I also try not to let it grow too long, its the only plant i'm fairly active with on a weekly basis.

I'll be interested how it does in the faster flowing water. :?:
Re: Jewel Rio 180 Maiden Planted tank

Nice. I like this old-fashioned style of tank with nice big sword plants--they are so impressive when they grow up large.

That bloom looks like some kind of Aponogeton.
Re: Jewel Rio 180 Maiden Planted tank

hydrophyte said:
Nice. I like this old-fashioned style of tank with nice big sword plants--they are so impressive when they grow up large.

That bloom looks like some kind of Aponogeton.

Spot on with the flower ID :clap: , i thought it might catch someones attention. I was very proud when it broke the surface and flowered ... its my first ever.

I am hoping its going to be a sucessful trip to MA tomorrow! :thumbup:
Re: Jewel Rio 180 Maiden Planted tank

So i picked up 6 Cardinals from MA - Woking @ the weekend and these are the tank pics (before the extra were added)

FULL Tank shot (the white clips are holding cucumber)

Assassin Snail Eggs?? :?: :?

Home Grown Java Ferns (i'm very proud of them!) 😉
I sprung in to action last night during my weekly WC.

I moved the mosswall to the back of the tank
I removed the spray bar from the inlet pipe
I put some new deeper floss in the external
I moved the Vallis that was in the back right-hand part of the tank further forward
I pruned and re-tied the moss on the bogwood arch
I added fert balls to my 3 varieties of Amazon in the hope of perking them up a bit
I now have a "keep net" for my java moss trimmings too
Plus some general pruning and tidying.

It was pushing 11pm by the time i finished so i an't wait to get home from work and find out how its settled in. Especially with the change in FF.
Pictures to follow.