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jbl regulator adjustment


11 Dec 2015
Hi, I'm having a bit of an issue with my co2 and was wondering if anyone could help. If I set the bubble rate one day then the next day when the co2 comes on the bubble rate is much slower/non existent. I'm using a inch wide ceramic diffuser and the working pressure on the unit is a preset 1.4 bar. Is the issue that this working pressure is too low for the diffuser? If so is it possible to adjust the working pressure and next question is how? The instructions are nice and thick but next to useless really, which is something we share in common.

Should be a allen bolt behind the plastic cover on the front of the gauge.
Adjustment is made here.
Hi, this is the reg I have


I can't see an allen bolt, so i'm assuming that I need to undo the two bolts on the underside of the gauge to remove the dial. Would that make sense? it does say that the reg is pre-set but adjustable.
Don't remove the dial.
Mine had a plastic cap,where the big chrome nut is....on yours.
try turning the chrome nut clockwise half a turn.
If it won't move.undo it,and see if there's an allen bolt behind it.
Remove from gas bottle first
Thanks again. By the looks of it your right and its the big chrome nut. I'll see if I can find conformation from jbl before I touch it though. Its a brand new version so should be adjustable.
Yeah sorry, re-read my post and what I meant was it was in the chrome nut (ie under the black plastic centre in the picture) and not the chrome nut itself. I just checked and it is there so thanks.
and its been a very long week, i'll admit i'm not a technological wiz but i'm generally not this slow!

thanks again.