Are we going to have to develop code words? 🙃
Are they going to hitch hike on a bird?
To me it seems comical to worry about some ricefish in a waterlily bowl while the whole world burns. Perhaps if our government actually looked after our waterways instead of actively destroying them and allowing thousands of tonnes of literal sh*t to be chucked in it would come across as less disingenuous.
I know what you mean, but not sure I agree with your example in this case 🙂 tangent time...It's a business model that develops by studying (and understanding) etc. in all kinds of different sectors. When you for example are studying biology and environmentalism then you need a job to follow this up after graduation. Finding problems and solutions is a way of job creation...
For example, 5 decades ago I was, and many others with me, called a spirited child and for the rest, there were no issues nobody cared that much about it. After a few decades of studying (and understanding) creating norms and labels and boxes and jobs to go along with it. For children like me an ADHD stamp and a bunch of professionals to stuff them with Ritalin so they hopefully normalise again. Nowadays fart in the wrong direction and you're boxed and get a label for which we might have a pill.
We're natural nature lovers.
I guess we are, that's the only place in the world I can feel 100% at peace...
IMHO these labelled so-called out of the box kids don't have problems with the world, their problem is the world
This is a bit simplistic. Natural spread could happen, but its native natural enemies would be more likely to follow in its path. Its us humans that only transport these pests to somewhere they can flourish without anything stopping them, which rarely happens in nature as there is bound to be something nearby thats already one mutation away from profiting off this. But take knotweed, odds of that landing in europe via natural routes are so slim its negligible. Saying nature will fix everything is simply releasing yourself from any perceived obligation to try and do something about it. Nature wont fix itself, not the way hippies think it does. Balancing happens by species completely taking over until something radical whipes it out or nearly out and it or species around it adapt, something thats being forced into a short time frame now, and thus cant work 'naturally'.They do with swimming and wading birds, obviously not the fish but the eggs... Fish use plants as spawning mobs, ducks wiggle their toes in these plants and wading birds their legs. Eggs are sticky and stick to the bird's legs and feet. Then the birds hop from one pond to the other, to the creek, the river or the lake etc. The eggs can survive a dry period for some time Then when the birds land again in different water the eggs fall off and the package is delivered. 🙂 Insects travel the same way, microorganisms spread over the globe hitchhiking with birds and other flying/swimming insects.
It can spread vast distances like this since a lot of birds do migrate annually, for example from Africa to the pole region. In between they make pitstops and at each pitstop, a package can be delivered and picked up again. It may take a couple of seasons for a species to hop along with the birds, 30 miles per season and per stop would be 300 miles in a decade and 3000 miles in a century. This way a species also can gradually evolve and acclimatize through regular reintroduction.
Thus actually being totally honest and realistic, all those environmentalists are one-day flies living in the moment, trying to preserve what is here in their generation(s). They are kinda mad like Don Quichotte fighting the windmill giants, thinking mother nature cannot survive without our care and interventions.
But in the end, mother nature decides and no matter "how invasively we try to keep it as is" we can't do a thing about it, the life cycle of conservatism is a drop on a hot plate.
Talking about invasive? We, humans ourselves, are actually the best example, we also started somewhere in the isolated outbacks of the planet as an exotic. And look where we are today and how we got there and what we did with our time... Worrying about invasive species??
Its us humans that only transport these pests to somewhere they can flourish without anything stopping them, which rarely happens in nature
Unlike birds, reptiles cannot fly to Galapagos, so all of them had to get there by accident. Reptiles such as snakes, tortoises and iguanas presumably were washed off of the mainland somehow clinging to floating material such as fallen trees or reeds, arriving at Galapagos after some weeks at sea.
and then every one went out and covered their gardens in wretched plastic grass, and the micro plastics problem went bonkersBit like plastic straws saga! which is responsible for about 0.02% of the plastic in the oceans! but hey that was a lot more important that fishing nets which is responsible for about 60% and no one cared or mentioned it!!