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Iwagumi using UG

Some of you have seen my IAPLC 2011 #280
The entire hill is UG planted on Amazonia, no powder or sand. Nothing came out of the substrate. Now, the little trick here is that I used not potted UG but grown on foam pads. Those pads I did cut in 8 pieces and each piece was anchored for the gravel by e zip lock tie that was poked trough the small pad piece and was going few inches in the substrate. The pad pieces did not move at all by the end of the scape.

I do not think that UG is best for low light, but I have seen some UG tanks run that way. My scape was with 3 x 54W T5 with reflector only 30 cm from the UG field.

So on your opinion as long as the plant is well secured to the substrate then it will be ok?

If I get it potted then I will just plant with the rock wool.

ghostsword said:

So on your opinion as long as the plant is well secured to the substrate then it will be ok?

If I get it potted then I will just plant with the rock wool.

It is what I did and it works.
I also had this idea of planting the UG and then cover it where possible with net that is secured to the substrate and just no more than a centimeter above the substrate. Similar to planting Richia. After the UG has grown a lot you can trim it down to the net line with no danger of pulling out anything. I have not tried that one yet. So if you like the idea it will be your call.
The net technique would not be something for me to try, I would worry about the fish. 🙂 especially ottos.

I will buy some UG online now, and keep it on a 30cm cube, shallow water and lots of co2 and ferts, to get it to change from emersed leaves to submerged, on a higher than normal co2 content.

Once the plants has changed, then I can cut it into pieces and plant on amazonia.

Many thanks for all the tips, I really appreciate it.