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It's just how it is at the moment...


22 Sep 2015
Adelaide, Australia
I've scrapped the 2 Wabi Kusa bowls as well as the tank outside on the outdoor setting table, all plants have been binned, bowls and tank have been washed and will be used as succulent planted bowls when I can be bothered planting them, all substrate has been binned also.

Have kept the Aqua One Horizon 50, seeing it's the one I've spent most time on, will keep it going unless it doesn't turn out well.

If and when it's at the stage where I'm happy with it, I'll share it on here again, but at the moment the interest isn't quite there and is testing my patience as are a few other things going on at the moment, 1 or 2 of you know what is going on with me at the moment.

When it's at the stage where livestock can go in, I think I'm going to go down the wild shrimp road, North Australian Chameleon Shrimp, Darwin Algae Shrimp and Blackmore River Shrimp, love the natives.

But, until then, I won't be posting anything about my tank, I'll just check in now and then and see what's going on with other's tanks and shrimp.
You may have had a little bad luck ,plant quality?etc How about a "easy plant "set up using "nice wood/? stone?
You may have had a little bad luck ,plant quality?etc How about a "easy plant "set up using "nice wood/? stone?

The quality of the plants weren't real flash I have to admit, have kept the Aqua One Horizon 50 going, will see how that goes, if it doesn't turn out well, well I'll be packing it all away for some time in the future when I have the patience and 100% interest again, just see how this tank goes over the next few weeks.
The Aqua One Horizon 50 is just HC and Seiryu Stone, doing a DSM, am looking to flood later this week or next and start the cycle, I expect some melting when filled, but will let it go.