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is this the colour im aiming for ?


27 Apr 2010
i know they should be in the tank lol but i havent put any light on the tank yet , i figure no plants = no rush for light bulbs 🙂 . these were literally a few seconds out of the tank and photographed on my phone . green enough?

drop checkers by mark pettican, on Flickr
I tend to keep mine a bit more yellow so the colours lime green rather than bluey/green. It depends how much co2 you need mate.
This is the colour of my dc, not against a white background i know, but agree with the others it needs to be more lime in colour.
Its just a guide though, light intensity and livestock will determine how much c02 you need and can safely inject 🙂
drop checker colour....
That's the colour I was meaning 😉 was just searching google images to see if I could find one. Pictures speak louder than words 🙂
clearly not green enough then 🙂 think i may check my system for leaks again , as in a 125 L tank ( currently empty) 1.8bps is the rate im injecting , which i expected to be plenty enough . i figure distribution is even as 1 was each end of the tank , and both seem the same colour . to work out my bubble rate i set a countdown timer of 1 minute on my phone , counted the bubbles until alarm went off then divided by 60 . maybe a bit unconventional , but im learning as i go 🙂

as for light intensity ady its planned for 2x24w T5s with reflectors , so not overly high
All depends on the size of your bubble you're counting. It's very inaccurate science bubble counting. Go a touch more and keep an eye on the fish. They will be your first warning.
there are no fish in the tank at the moment , ( or plants for that matter lol) . trying to get injection/distribution of co2 right before i do anything else to hopefully reduce any future headaches . if a 2nd leak test still reveals no obvious leaks , i will up the injection rate a little and see how it gos from there
will do . il crank it up a bit and see what colour i get in the checkers . am i thinking along the right lines that if both drop checkers ( 1 either end of tank) are showing the same colour that flow/distribution is good , its just the amount thats too little ?
Sounds about right, just in them particular places though. With no plants in I have no doubt you have good flow 🙂 Bubble counters are only really there to give you something that you can physically look at and judge whether that little turn you just did made a difference on the amount of co2 being put in so I wouldn't get too hung up on bubble rates. You can only find out the best rate for your particular tank it's not comparable to someone elses.
If I was you I'd start getting your plants in as well mate. Seems a waste of time trying to get everything tuned in while there's no plants. The plants will make a major difference to flow and the co2 so you might as well get them in. It's the plants that will dictate how you inject co2 so getting it right now will bear no relevance later. You will probably find it will need turned up some more.
clearly not green enough then 🙂 think i may check my system for leaks again , as in a 125 L tank ( currently empty) 1.8bps is the rate im injecting , which i expected to be plenty enough . i figure distribution is even as 1 was each end of the tank , and both seem the same colour . to work out my bubble rate i set a countdown timer of 1 minute on my phone , counted the bubbles until alarm went off then divided by 60 . maybe a bit unconventional , but im learning as i go 🙂

as for light intensity ady its planned for 2x24w T5s with reflectors , so not overly high

You'll probably have to excuse my ignorance. But how the hell do you count 1.8 BPS?