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is this superglue safe?

Ben M

1 Sep 2009
hi, i want to stick some java fern to my bogwood, but i'm not sure if the superglue i have is safe. it is called evo-stik, serious glue, fix and repair adhesive. i have read that it must be proper cyanocrylate to be safe, but it doesn't say on the packed. is it safe?

cheers 😀
Can't help directly with your question, but I always used Superglue Gel in my reef tank. As well as being a proper cyanoacrylate the thicker consistency makes it easier to work with rather than runny glue...
thanks, i've looked the evo-stik up on the internet, but there is nothing that says it is proper cyanocrylate. any one know if it's safe or not.

cheers 😀
pest control said:
o it doesn't matter if it's proper cyanocrylate or not. i'm just worried that it'll poison my fish.

i'm no scientist, far from it, but the amounts i use are tiny. if it says superglue on the packet....hang on1...let me look....

yep, it says cyanocrylate! i've used it in 3 set ups now, with no loss of life.should i do a vid of how i use it?

disclaimer. I by no means endorse this product!
I tried this in my 90l and used a bit too much on the bogwood. The excess went White in the water and looked bird droppings
hi, i'm not going to risk it. i'll go into hull tomorrow and buy some that is definitely proper cyanocrylate, so that i'm 100% sure it is safe.

thanks for all the help. 😀
Ajm200 said:
The excess went White in the water and looked bird droppings

you need to control it better.

these are that amounts that i use.(circled)


fine grade fishing line. i can tie 20 of these in 5 minutes flat.

i don't use much more for anubias.

it's up to you.
saintly said:
fine grade fishing line. i can tie 20 of these in 5 minutes flat.

i don't use much more for anubias.

it's up to you.

Thats genius Mark! I'll stick with cotton, but I can see superglue as the future over needle and thread :thumbup: