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Is this showing too much co2


15 Jan 2014
West Yorkshire
This tank over the last couple of week has been covered in tiny bubbles everywhere
I'm i adding too much co2 ??
Hope you can see from the pic??

Its oxygen from the plants. Sign of good plant health.
That's good then.. I was thinking the indicator was giving false readings.. Although the fish are ok no gasping.. Just thought I'd ask the question to be sure

Well. .i can´t see by the pictures. The bubbles appear after the co2 turns off or even meanwhile injection?

And where? In the bottom of the water or sticked in the glass?

I´m asking this cause a month ago i had the same issue but the bubbles apeear mostly in top of the water and i was giviing to much Co2 and poor waterflow. So the co2 sticked a bit in the glass and in plants but mostly apeears in the top of the water.

I´m only trying to give a perspective to attention on details.

Best regards,.
Imagine pearling as an Aston Martin sports car going really fast. Its very fun to drive but also very dangerous if you dont have very good skills. So, pearling is good but its also telling you you might have medium-high lighting and that you have to keep up with things as to not get algae. I cant find a really good article I once read that explains it in detail. There must be a link to it in the forum (help me find if someone knows what Im talking about please).
Sometimes you can get false pearling (at least its false for me) with a water change.
So, pearling is good but its also telling you you might have medium-high lighting and that you have to keep up with things as to not get algae

I know this. Light & Co2 !
Had problems before and solve it by puting the the light upper from the water😉 I my case 15 cm. So the demanding was less and get equilibrium.
But still have pearling everyday.
It's all the time everyday about 4 hours into the light period.. The bubbles are rising from the plants..But I must admit the bottom HC doesn't seem to pearl very much but the flow does hit it as when I feed the fish the food is straight down to the HC then flows back toward the back of the tank ..
Ian_m--- my indicator doesn't go quite that colour it has done a couple of times but the fish was gasping:-/ ..
The bubbles are rising from the plants

Pearling after 4 hours of lightning. I guess is to much..
But as Jose says the speed you wich to drive is up to you Frenchi. I just think that if your plants do pearl after a 4 hour lightning you are probably in a high speed mode.

As IAN said is a sinonimous of good health in the aquarium no doubt of that. It´s the photosynthesis activity. Plants are liberating O2 but in order for you to see that , the O2 must be in saturation in water column. So because of saturation this excess of O2 is not consumed and liberated in the water..
Now this is where you should choose the speed.

Remember at night you have the reverse stage. Plants consuming O2 and liberating Co2.
So, this is where i think i prefer a low speed and my plants started to pearl one or two hours before lights go off.

Then they will pearl even after the lights off and do not start consuming the o2 present in the water so soon.

Each of us has is method. 😉

Big hug
Funny you should say this as also my co2 drop checker is also staying lime green all the time so it seems like a good balance here by the sound of things .. There isn't a sign of algae anywhere apart from the bit on the glass every now and then...
apart from the bit on the glass every now and then

.. i think you´re talking about Diatoms. Those little bastards spreading.. some say they appear from lack of o2... and i put my Lily Pipe a bit upper of the water level to make aeration..and as i mention before the pearling after light off.. but still they are there.. 🙁
I don't think it's diatoms just from lighting hitting glass it's only minute .. I did have a lot until I got advise from here and upped my co2 added Ei and correct water changes ... I'm quite happy with my tanks now to be honest.. If I have any doubts I always bugg the guys on here bless em so patient with me and helpful🙂
I don't think it's diatoms just from lighting hitting glass it's only minute .. I did have a lot until I got advise from here and upped my co2 added Ei and correct water changes ... I'm quite happy with my tanks now to be honest.. If I have any doubts I always bugg the guys on here bless em so patient with me and helpful
Do you dose Mg Frenchi? Sometimes we dose normal stuff like NPK and a micro fert but we forget about Mg and Ca because we always presume there is enough in our tap water. Its normally the case for Ca, but Mg is sometimes consumed pretty fast.
Do you dose Mg Frenchi? Sometimes we dose normal stuff like NPK and a micro fert but we forget about Mg and Ca because we always presume there is enough in our tap water. Its normally the case for Ca, but Mg is sometimes consumed pretty fast.
No what's that ? I just dose Ei I make an all in one solution adding Ascorbic & Sorbate ..
I alway dechlorinate using seachem prime.