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Is this plant aquatic?


5 Apr 2008
I bought this plant today from my LFS and I don't know whether it is aquatic or not.
It looks like some kind of lily?

Here is are some pictures (sorry about the bad quality, it's a camera phone):

A scientific name would be appreciated! 🙂

- Josh
No its not aquatic,

Spatyphylum willisi or peace lilly (not sure about the spelling) although it does make quite a good bog plant so it may do well once it extends its leaves above the surface, Useful in terrariums!
Im afraid the red edge plant and the variegated at the back (Dracena) are also non aquatic.
bloody LFS's 🙄

so with the Dracena and the lily.
will they just rot and die if kept in an aquarium?
Im afarid the Dracenas will definatly rot. The spatiphylum may last a little longer.
Most shops have someone who is into their plants, you need to work out which member of staff can offer you the best advice on planted aquariums and get to know him/her. A lot of stores will employ partimers and despite their best efforts (bless em) they may not have all the answers. Give the store a ring who knows they may want to put this right for you!
It's an 80 minute round trip to that shop so I'll leave it.
They sold 5 plants for £12.
4/5 of the plants I bought were non-aquatic.

I've potted those four and they're on my windowsill.
The Java Fern is doing well though!
Unfortunately it's quite common practise. I think they expect the people who buy them to go back for more when they die, believing it was their own fault thay didn't survive.
I potted it and watered it and by the next day it had wilted.
I placed it back in my aquarium and all of a sudden it perks up again.
What the...?!
genesis said:
I potted it and watered it and by the next day it had wilted.
I placed it back in my aquarium and all of a sudden it perks up again.
What the...?!

It's been trying to adapt to being submersed so its transpiration rate will need to adjust to being emersed again. Just keep it somewhere sealed up so the humidity stays very high.
When I had some of these Spatyphylum (in the usual random plant collection) I potted them and put them in the bath room window for about 1 month. Also keep it well watered. In time they make a lovely big house plant, with gorgeous glossy green leaves, and big white 'flowers', they make very good mothers day presents to. 😉

Its the plant from Hot Fuzz! I agree with wolfen, it's best potted and rescued and given away as a gift if you don't like it. The only thing to add would be to water it with the water you take out of the tank at the end of the week, loads of food for the plant that way.