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Is this Lidwigia green?

I am clueless with the picture. Google Lens shows, Hygrophila polysperma but if I am mistaken that plant has narrow leaves, this one seems to have bit broad flashy leaves. But if it turns out to be Hygrophila polysperma then I have to return it.

It sounds like invasive plant that will grow uncontrollably. Can I have some more suggestions on this plant?
Is this plant Lidwigia Green?
I never heard of "Ludwigia Green".......could be 'palustris?'
I am clueless with the picture. Google Lens shows, Hygrophila polysperma but if I am mistaken that plant has narrow leaves, this one seems to have bit broad flashy leaves. But if it turns out to be Hygrophila polysperma then I have to return it.

It sounds like invasive plant that will grow uncontrollably. Can I have some more suggestions on this plant?
It's a beautiful stem plant should be easy to grow, if it's classed invasive it's been recklessly let loose in your native waterways. Aquarium plants should never disposed of into water courses. I am surprised you say it's not or should be available for aquariums in your part of the world. I believe it can become a pest plant in it's native habitats