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Is there any harm having flow at the bottom?

9 Jun 2018
York, UK
Hi all,

So I'd like to get a little EHEIM Skim 350 for my 25L tank to help with the surface scum. Problem is, the outflow pipe is going to be sat just above the substrate. I'm going to try and direct the flow upwards slightly by using the attachment from my PAT Mini filter but just wanted to know if there's any harm in having flow this low in the tank? Aside from the potential of substrate being kicked up a bit so livestock tend to get knocked about my powerheads or do they quite enjoy it?

Many thanks,

Depending on how strong it is, it can be quite beneficial. Flow at the substrate means nutrients and co2 can get to low level plants. If it is too strong, plants/livestock could be stressed.
Flow occurs in all levels in nature so they will be fine and will probably appreciate it. I think the only downside is that lower outlet currents are more easily blocked by your hardscape or plants so make sure you have good circulation elsewhere in the tank as well.
Flow at the substrate means nutrients and co2 can get to low level plants. If it is too strong, plants/livestock could be stressed

I think if I use my small lily pipe (provided it fits) from the main tank filter it will actually be quite beneficial. My PAT Mini will be blowing straight across the tank and down where the co2 diffuser is, and the skimmer will be causing the surface agitation and then blowing along the front of the tank and up, pushing the water in a circular motion.