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Is there a for sale section?


12 Jun 2015
Hi all, Re-joining the hobby after a 5 year break and looking to buy some equipment to help me get set back up again. I'm sure there was a for sale section before but I can't find it now?

There is but i think you need to post a certain number of messages etc... think it’s 20?
That makes sense then! I’ve been searching for ages. I think I’m only on 8 or something. Thanks for your help

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I'm sure there was a for sale section

There is, this should answer your questions.
There is, this should answer your questions.

Brilliant, thank you!

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Haha thank you! 25 posts does seem rather a lot! I understand the reasons though

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Thanks for asking the question, I was wondering too as I'm looking to get some plants given the current shortage at retail! Guess I'll have to bulk out my post number, my account is a year old but I usually lurk 😉