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is it worth it ?


6 Mar 2011
is it really worth upgrading from 1.1 wpg t8 to 1.6w t5? tank is 30 usg

i havent planted the tank yet , but i will be doing so soon .
I think it really depends on what you're wanting to achieve. Will you be wanting to add Co2 to your setup as well? More "light" usually means more demand for ferts and Co2. It might be a good idea to see how your plants do under the T8s before you get rid of them. Lots of ppl on here have created amazing scapes with healthy plants using T8s.

I'm sure someone with more experience and success will be along to give you more constructive advice. :thumbup:
it will be pressurised co2 , using EI dosing. im aware that more light = more co2 = more ferts etc , i was just wanting to know if its really going to make a worthwhile difference in terms of growth and plant choice
Hopefully a more experience member will come along and answer this for you, cos I'd like to know too! 😀

Tho, I'm sure I've read on here that if you get the flow/level of Co2 and ferts right you can happily grow plants like HC?

This obviously doesn't answer you questions tho. 😀
yes its that very thing about the flow etc being more important that makes me wonder if its really worthwhile upgrading .
It would seem that if you get the gas ferts & flow right then the plants can adapt to various light intensity's & colour spectrum's - so I guesse your tank might not show much difference from the two suggested light sources however .... T5 is a better light in my mind, the bulbs don't deteriorate like T8s & last much longer & from my own personal experience seem to grow plants better!
2 x T5 the lenth of the tank is a very good way to go unless you are on a budget, then stick to the T8s.
im getting all the equipment bit by bit so it doesnt really matter too much about cost , it may just mean waiting another week or so until i order plants . im in no rush . ive got the drop checker , diffuser , circulation pump etc i just need to get the fire extinguisher/regulator and im good to go. i can do 2 t5s including electronic ballast for about £50 , which is money im happy to spend if its going to make a difference .
Just run it with 1.1WPG for a while and see how things go. With pressurised the 1.1WPG might surprise you anyway.

Not that it will grow healthier plants at all but if you want to speed growth up later on then upgrade the lighting.

im happy that the 1.1w t8 will grow plants , the reason for the increase would be predominantly 1 of growth speed

guess the difference comes because T5 in comparison to T8 will, at the same electric wattage, produce more light photons (efficient) and being a narrower tube diameter means it will put higher intensity light all the way till the bottom of the tank. Moreover the scalings are non-linear. i.e. as the wattage increases, T5s will out-do the T8s at a greater level.

So in your case, going from 1.1 wpg T8 to 1.6 wpg T5 will light the tank to a larger extent. So if costs are not a worry then with EI and pressurised CO2, go for T5 if faster, more growth is what you are aiming at.

you make a good argument for the t5s , i think i will go for the t5 lighting . thanks for the advice :thumbup: