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is a W/C needed?


13 Aug 2008
Surrey, UK
hi, i have a 120L tank with 12 boras brigittea and some cherry and amano shrimp, (+ 3 apple snails)
i dont feed massivley, it has no co2 and no ferts, so do i need to do a w/c every week?

it has a couple anubias barteri as well, i doubt that helps but more info is better than none.
The simple answer is No.

My Non CO2 tank has not had a water change for nearly 3 months with no casualties 🙂

haha, thanks, im not that daring though, i might leave it another week and perhaps do a 30% change. and then next time leave it 2.5 weeks or maybe 3.
My 500l gets a change once every 2-3 weeks sometimes a month and its normally no different in nitates and is clean as ever. i guess i do it out of pure fear that i will be shot for not doing it!!!
yeah, i want to take the best care of my 'pets' and i feel that by doing lots of W/C's i am doing this, it hasnt sunk in that they will be no different if i half the number im doing. i dont mind it every 2 weeks, thats not a problem.