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Introduction - 325 litres to fill!


29 Sep 2010
Stevenage, Hertfordshire
Hi all,
After setting up my free PFK TMC Nano I've been bitten by the bug again....

I kept tropical’s for years as a child\teen but moved on to marines for several years. I've been out of the hobby for some time altogether due to work etc but I've just bought a large tank (Fluval profile 1200)

I was thinking of heading down the EI route, setting up a pair of automatic dosers and a DIY Co2 system. Not sure on scape yet but something like Mark Evans ‘Savannah Dreaming’ scape with a large shoal of cardinals would hit the spot 🙂

This tank has 325 litres (120 x 47 x 65cm) so would be great as a planted setup, I've done some lengthy research over the past few months but would welcome any opinions, ideas or advice.

It comes with 4xT5 lights 2x Power Glo and 2x Life Glow tubes.

Filtration is via a Fluval 405 filter (1300 LPH) – Should I remove the carbon? Replace with any other chemical removal media?

Thanks and hello!
Sounds a nice size tank.
You are going to need to move more water around than you current filter can supply. Either a second filter or a power head or two in the tank will help achieve this. Look at a total turnover of around 3000 ltrs How are you going to introduce your Co2 into the system. So far I have found the inline Atomizer to be the most effective.
I run a pair of dosing pumps for my trace and Ferts and they work very well.
Look forward to seeing your set up

your gonna need more than diy co2 on a tank that size if your going high tech! id go for a pressurized system with a inline diffuser on your external, its definately the most popular these days, as for media, get rid of the carbon and buy some purigen, a few of the guys on here cant big it up enough.

From Aquaessentials.
Purigen® is a premium synthetic adsorbent that is unlike any other filtration product. It is not a mixture of ion exchangers or adsorbents, but a unique macro-porous synthetic polymer that removes soluble and insoluble impurities from water at a rate and capacity that exceeds all others by over 500%. Purigen® controls ammonia, nitrites and nitrates by removing nitrogenous organic waste that would otherwise release these harmful compounds. Purigen'sTM impact on trace elements is minimal. It significantly raises redox. It polishes water to unparalleled clarity. Purigen® darkens progressively as it exhausts, and is easily renewed by treating with bleach. Purigen® is designed for both marine and freshwater use.

always broke is right about the flow too, either get another canister filter (something like an fx5 or a big eheim like a 2080) or get 2 powerheads, koralia are a good brand.

Other than that all i can say is keep reading! learning is a never ending process.
Regards, Gus.
Welcome aboard Alan 🙂

More filtration or powerheads for flow as AB mentions, have a look a the journals for inspiration and what other people use in their tanks.
Sorry, I meant Fire Extingisher DIY, not yeast.

Just about to order the Hydor koralia Evo - Which size would be best? 1600, 5200, 4000 or 2800lph?
There seems to be a new model too - Magnum, seem quite expensive though!

Considering the above options, I plan on using an external Hydor heater and a Aquamedic 1000 reactor so flow will be reduced on the Fluval. I would rather use a single koralia if possible.

The reason for the Co2 reactor was a few comments I've read on here about micro bubbles in the tank when using inline atomizers - anyone have this issue?

I started to fill the tank today as I now have everything ready (Thanks guys) - the base cracked! I'm so gutted 🙁
Luckily I'm using LondonDragons DIY water changer with a bigger pump so could step away while it emptied...