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Interview with George Farmer

Just read it, nice one George!
Excellent interview, George! As always it's great to see pictures of your creations - the WCMM biotope looks impressive even among images of your impressive planted tanks. Not sure about that very first picture, though... 8)
Great interview George 🙂 well done
plantbrain said:
Proving once again that state run dental care works!

You saying I got dental issues, Barr?! :lol:

I'll bite your head off! :lol:


BTW all my dental work is provided through the RAF, that's better than the HNS (National Health Service).
George Farmer said:
plantbrain said:
Proving once again that state run dental care works!

You saying I got dental issues, Barr?! :lol:

I'll bite your head off! :lol:


BTW all my dental work is provided through the RAF, that's better than the HNS (National Health Service).

Same here for the health service and the military, but the fruitcake talking heads on the Tube seem unable to see that state run health care can and does work well already. Big issue here right now. Lobbyist and the industry all calling in their chips to prevent it helping the average person.

How can I help my hound dogs?


Cat is okay though:

If you bit me, you'd probably get fleas🙂

Tom Barr