Hi, I currently have in my rio 125litre a Fluval U4 the dimensions being 81x36x50cm
The filter according to manufacturer runs 1000lph through it, strong enough I would say and gives a gentle sway to the plants in my tank
However im curious as to my options, its very big so would like smaller for a number of reasons
-I dont run ferts or Co2 so making sure plants are fed through the column isnt necessary, I have a soil base
- The fish I wish to keep arent big fans of heavy water flow
-Yes im aware of anaerobic conditions or dead spots, the soil will be aereated by MTS but again the water needs to be moving so wont be going too small
Anyone even recommend a good internal filter make? or whats the smallest I could go without compromising my tank and inhabitants, I will also be keeping shrimp so again needs to be considered
Thank you in advance
The filter according to manufacturer runs 1000lph through it, strong enough I would say and gives a gentle sway to the plants in my tank
However im curious as to my options, its very big so would like smaller for a number of reasons
-I dont run ferts or Co2 so making sure plants are fed through the column isnt necessary, I have a soil base
- The fish I wish to keep arent big fans of heavy water flow
-Yes im aware of anaerobic conditions or dead spots, the soil will be aereated by MTS but again the water needs to be moving so wont be going too small
Anyone even recommend a good internal filter make? or whats the smallest I could go without compromising my tank and inhabitants, I will also be keeping shrimp so again needs to be considered
Thank you in advance