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Interesting Articles


13 Nov 2013
Anyone who doesn't usually subscribe to PFK. This latest issue is planted tank heavy. Good article by Tai Strietman on Amazon Swords and natural habitats a interview with Josh Sim and pictures of his contest tanks and methods. Nice plant introduction to planted aquariums by Dave Cookson of Riverwood Aquatics
Never buy this any more it’s just like all the rest of the hobby magazines full of adverts and hardly any information of any use
It’s certainly not worth the cover price

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I think PFK is good value for money. Ok so each editor has is own way of doing things. And example my opinion Jeremy Gaye was a hard act to follow. At the moment it's more fish and new contributors with articles and fair play giving young enthusiastic contributors like Jordan Stirrat and Max Pedley can't be a bad thing Still got the experts like Dr Peter Burgess Neale Monks to impart knowledge . You pay more for a coffee than the cost of it 😉
I have been lucky and managed to collect a lot of these publications over the years in PDF format just for quick reference/reading, once in a while open them and find nice and interesting articles that I had not read before.

Aquarium World
Liquid Magazine
Popular FishKeeping
Limited PFK
The Fishkeeper
Vivarium and Aquarium News
Tropical Fish Hobbyist