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Inline heater vs in-tank & thermostat


15 Jan 2018
Hong Kong
Currently just using an Sera 150W heater for my 140L.

  • Just wonder how many of you use 'inline' heater like the Hydor?
  • how many use an external thermostat as redundancy?
I have an Oase biomaster 350 thermo external filter. It has a heater in the filter already. Really convenient

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I use Hydor inline heaters and haven't used a fall back thermostat.

Easy enough to do if you wanted to though something like an STC 1000 and a bit of DIY wiring; plenty of threads on marine forums about how to do so.
I use inline heaters in all my freshwater tanks with no controller.
My saltwater tank has a cheap Inkbird ITC-308 temperature controller... you can get these for about £25. I also bought an stc1000 a year ago... but it's still in the box...
I got an inline heater, not a hydor but a DIY DC 12 volt 120 watt also got a sump with regular heaters, could consider that inline as well in a way.
But in both cases i use and external thermostat.. And actualy a rather cheap one and they work like a charme already for over 3 years without any issues.
The thermostat itself runs on 12 DC volt, but it has a 140 VAC 20 Amp relay = 2800 watt, pretty strong little bugger..

In the sump it controls both 220VAC power sockets for 2 x 75 watt heaters and the temp sensor in the tanks overflow.. 220VAC - 150 watt is peanuts for this relay.

It uses a universal NTC 10K sensor probe.. So for the inline version i have this inline sensor probe very close to and in front of the heater element. That way it probes the temperatur coming from the tank inline. In case the flow stops, it would be problematic if the sensor is in the tank. It shouldn't keep heating if there is no flow for what ever reason.

Possibiliities are rather versatile with these little thermostats, they also come in different designs to build in.


There are also more bulky build designs around a tad more expensive. But the power is in the Relay. If you don't exceed 12 amps on 220VAC these small ones are pretty suficient it only needs a little DC 12 volt addapter to run.