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Injected CO2 + EI Dosing + Good Flow = No Growth?!

Hi all,
It looks good. Can I ask if you dose "Epsom Salts" (MgSO4.7H2O)? and which chelator does your iron (Fe) source use?
my pH prior to all this CO2 injecting malarkey is around 8.4 after allowing gassing off.
The CO2~HCO3 equilibrium pH value (400ppm atmospheric CO2) for hard water is pH8.2, so you don't need much of an error, or other stronger source of alkalinity (O-H) to get to pH8.4. You should be able to get a temporary hardness value from your water supplier (usually as <"degrees Clark">).

You could take the two dead, yellow leaves off the Java Fern, they just look like they were old leaves.

cheers Darrel
I recently took the melt from the Swords. Java Fern seems to just some and go!

My EI is all from Aquarium Plant Foods on here if that helps?

My water report shows hardness as...

119 Ca mg/l
297.5 CaCO3mg/l
20.83 Degrees Clark
29.75 Degrees French
16.66 Degrees German

I'm hoping that means more to you than it does to me! 😉
Hi all,
My EI is all from Aquarium Plant Foods on here if that helps?
I think that has MgSO4.7H2O in it.
119 Ca mg/l
297.5 CaCO3mg/l
20.83 Degrees Clark
29.75 Degrees French
16.66 Degrees German
All ways of representing the the same thing, basically ~17dKH and hard (in the UK we can assume all the hardness comes form CaCO3). The workings are in the older posts in the <"Degrees German"> thread.

cheers Darrel
Should be fairly decent now. Sump return is rated 3000lph, but running at a head height of around 1.5m I expect it is a lot less. This was combine with a 3000lph powehead in the tank.

As of yesterday I added another 2500lph powehead.

In reply to Chris - I don't want to change everything at once if I can help it. I am 50% water changing anyway though as part of EI.
I would turn off all power heads to reduce flow for a week. That's a lot of circulation
Flow would appears to be OK. I know the description sounds like going to be rapids, but it looks a lot calmer in real life!


^ Link to video of the tank!
Got the pH pen working. Should have got one years ago rather than straining to make out colours on the API tests. Was £5 delivered from eBay!

Results are:

Straight from tap: 7.4 pH
Tap left out overnight: 8.4 pH
Tank 12hrs with CO2 off overnight: 8.0 pH
Tank left out over night: 7.5 pH
CO2 On At 1300hrs: 8.1 pH
Lights On At 1500hrs: 7.2 pH
CO2 Off At 2100hrs: 6.9 pH
Lights Off At 2300hrs: 7.2 pH

So what does that all mean? @foxfish
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Anybody? 😉

Might turn the CO2 down a notch. Think the RNT's were struggling a little today.
You are not far from the mark, I aim for a one point drop by lights on & to then maintain that reading for my 7 hour light up time.
You can control the ph by adding C02 and by manipulating the surface movement.
Once you have established that then you cant really add much more C02 so it is then about adjusting the light, the flow & the ferts to get the best plant growth.