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"In The Arms of Cthulhu" - 180L - 1st May - BBA

Re: "In The Arms of Cthulhu" - 180L - 15th Dec - Setting Up!


In the spirit of naming scapes I've decided that due to the similarity to a certain H.P Lovecraft story this scape shall be known as.

"In The Arms of Cthulhu"


Best Regards,
Excellent name. I totally agree with your sentiments there. I wonder if I could do a horror themed Vivarium for my pet toad ( for non-Lovecraftians, Toads and weird landscapes feature heavily in his work ).

On a more aquarium-based note I am digging this 'scape. Can't wait to see it set up and running, the wood is quite beautiful.
All the best from Bill.

Bufo Bill said:
Excellent name. I totally agree with your sentiments there. I wonder if I could do a horror themed Vivarium for my pet toad ( for non-Lovecraftians, Toads and weird landscapes feature heavily in his work ).

On a more aquarium-based note I am digging this 'scape. Can't wait to see it set up and running, the wood is quite beautiful.
All the best from Bill.

Thanks man, i'm just loving the "normality" of a rectangular tank in contrast to the corner.

Some planting in progress pics.

Scaper at work. Beginning to hate moss.

Most of the way through the wood.

More to follow.

Best Regards,
Re: "In The Arms of Cthulhu" - 180L - 15th Dec - Setting Up!

it's great having a 'normal' tank isn't it!

looking good John!
Re: "In The Arms of Cthulhu" - 180L - 15th Dec - Setting Up!

ianho said:
it's great having a 'normal' tank isn't it!

looking good John!

My god yes. Even taking photos is a whole lot easier.

Planting done.

2.12 am

Water in and filters & heater turned on.


Other then some wood that is being a little too buoyant things are going ok.

I've got a bit of tidying to do tomorrow and some extra stones and moss to deploy but overall chuffed with how it has gone.

May have an issue with water movement when it comes to livestock thou.

I may have TOO MUCH circulation. 8)

Chat more tomorrow about solutions.

Best Regards,
Re: "In The Arms of Cthulhu" - 180L - 15th Dec - Setting Up!

i really like that setup especially the way the wood branches down its cool
Re: "In The Arms of Cthulhu" - 180L - 15th Dec - Setting Up!

hinch said:
i really like that setup especially the way the wood branches down its cool

Why thank you. My favourite moss for along time has been Weeping. This scape is meant to show it off really. Hopefully it will come off that way.

sarahtermite said:
It's wonderful - and the branches remind me of tentacles (in a good way!)

😀 Thanks! During set I was contemplating switching the branches to the other way around and doing "Cthulhu Sleeps".

Best Regards,
Re: "In The Arms of Cthulhu" - 180L - 31st Jan - Over Flow

awtong said:
Love the hardscape it works very well together.


Thanks, i'm happy with the choices, although I will not pick such a plain "cosmetic" sand in the future as I foresee it looking a little too white to look natural in the finished scape.

So update.

Things are pottering along nicely. I switched out the Hydrocotyle sibthorpioides for sp. Japan as it was closer to the scale I am aiming for. The rotala rotundifolia is loving it and already hit the surface so has had a nice chop to start it bushing out. The Ludwigia arcuata, however, is not loving it and melted back badly. It is just sprouting again and should be happy in a couple of weeks. This is the area to the back right of the "maw of Cthulhu" 8) .

Quick update photo. You are not getting anything closer for now as it is all a bit diatom happy and I've only just added some amano's. Additionally my wider angle, zoom lens is off getting repaired.

30th Jan 2012

I'm working on the flow issue. The plants were being rocked around a fair bit so as I previously mentioned I thought I may have too much...... Now I've added in some fish for the first time last night and today they are still hiding behind the spray bars unless I turn off the filters. I'll give them some more time and make a further assessment later.

But the current circulation seem to lead to the fish not wanting to inhabit the areas around the wood work.

I have already bored out the holes in the spray bars and pointed them upwards a bit to try and make it a little bit less turbulent and used the filter taps to reduce output. But I feel I make have to do more. Might possibly bore some more holes in the spraybars as a stop gap measure.

I'm going to order some lily pipe intake and outtake sets anyway to replace the nasty plastic intakes at least. The issue I have is I have to keep a lid on the tank so I can't mount 2 lily pipes any way but from the back to the front at both ends of the tank which I feel might end up with really disturbed substrate in the front corners.

Suggestions for solutions i've not thought of happily received.

Best Regards,
Re: "In The Arms of Cthulhu" - 180L - 31st Jan - Over Flow

awesome wood and overall scape, cant wait to see this progress
Re: "In The Arms of Cthulhu" - 180L - 31st Jan - Over Flow

creg said:
awesome wood and overall scape, cant wait to see this progress

Thanks man. I'm eager to get to the massive trimming stage too.


Re:flow - i actually removed the spray bars and pointed the outflows towards the front of the glass to see what the effect of the lily's might be to good results. No sand flying everywhere and the plants at the centre still move a touch. So hopefully lily's and turning up the filters again will be all fine.

The fish however still have not responded well. The little test group of 6 are still lurking at the top of the tank at the back. Initially I thought they were gasping for air due to the CO2 being too high. Since turning that down they are still there. Not moving very much occasionally making a brief trip to lower in the water column to come straight back to the surface area again.

The plants pearl like crazy during the day, the CO2 is low enough. This is making me start thinking the tank still isn't cycled properly yet and I could be possibly getting some effects of ammonium poisoning.

But even that doesn't make much sense due to the massive over filtration, the tank running for two weeks, plenty of healthy plants to suck it all up. Amanos are fine.

Edit - Just dawned on me that the Aquasoil is leeching the ammonia. (first time user) 8)

I'll do some daily water changes and see how that goes.

Best Regards,
Re: "In The Arms of Cthulhu" - 180L - 31st Jan - Over Flow

hotweldfire said:
Brilliant scaping. Really love how this looks, totally my kind of thing :clap:

Thanks, can't say enough how much more fun using a rectangle tank is vs the corner. every time i go do something with the tank I notice it.



Latest photo. Still waiting for my other DSLR lens to come back from repair so nothing too close for now. The clean up crew are starting work on the diatoms, it great seeing the colour of the wood coming through.

Plants are beginning to settle in nicely, glosso slowly starting to creep in places. Others are a little too shaded but I expected this and have some additional small crypts coming to fill a couple of gaps.

Glassware ordered and fish are slowly going in.

Best regards,
"In The Arms of Cthulhu" - 180L - 31st Jan - Over Flow

It's looking beautiful mate, Hope you're not going to try and build a mini "Sunken Ry-leh" city in the corner there!

Seriously though this such a lovely scape, congratulations are in order before it's even finished . . . but I am sooo jealous of that wood.

Now if I only had tentacles long enough to reach through windows . . .
All the best from Bill.

Sent from my iPod touch using Tapatalk
Re: "In The Arms of Cthulhu" - 180L - 31st Jan - Over Flow


Thought I should update everyone on the progress of this one while I set up the low light DIY job.

It's amazing the speed things happen at jumping from the solid medium intensity light of my corner to the high light of this setup. Not only the growth rates of things like the stems and glosso but also the algae outbreaks come thick and fast.

In the first few weeks I got a lot of new tank setup stuff. A wave of diatoms, followed by a wave of staghorn. Both died down with some mechanical removal and steady increase of algae eating crews. Then a bout of green water, quickly fixed by a addition of a small UV filter internal I have kicking about that specific thing.

More recently I've been suffering from a bit of BBA on the rocks and wood along the front and more on the left side. This is coupled with a bit of green dust & fuzz algae on the sand and moss. All of which point to CO2 fluctuations or distribution.

Since I have A LOT of filtration on this set up I'm starting to form a theory that my CO2 reactor is more trouble then is good. Since it's removal on the corner tank and a switch to conventional ceramic diffuser any remaining algae on that set up has since disappeared. Now that could be down to improved flow rates on that set up but frankly now i'm getting it on this tank I think it could be something else.

When the CO2 enters the reactor it does so at the top of the chamber and then the water direction forces it downwards. This means that over the course of the day a CO2 pocket builds up which, when the CO2 goes off an hour before lights out, then gradually declines overnight. So basically my CO2 injection continues long after I actually stop the supply. In turn I think this leads to a larger CO2 fluctuation then I would get using a ceramic diffuser, causing BBA.

Initially i'm going to try solving this by modifying the timings a touch and reducing the amount I inject. But I think I'll probably end up switching the reactor out for a more traditional ceramic diffuser or an atomiser.

A couple of quick photos I took today after a big scrub clean yesterday to remove the BBA from the rocks -



The glosso was interesting to get carpeting. Initially I did not plant it correctly and a good amount of the plantletts shot up rather then creeping. Through a gradual process of trimming and replanting i've got it carpeting to a extent. Although it's not a densely packed as I'd like so far. It's had two complete trims now.

The hydrocotyle Japan is insane. Probably the fastest growing thing i've ever had in a tank. Still I'm liking the way it has filled out, although i've had to pull it out of every space during water changes.

The moss is a bit ragged in the photo as I've been scrubbing the wood a touch. I'm going to focus on the moss more when I've got the algae sorted out, trimming it to bush it out more. Initially the lower parts of the tied off moss were magnets for the staghorn as they died back.

The stems are on their second trimming and are just getting the pruned look. The Ludwigia Arcuata did not adjust very quickly to the new setup and got swallowed by the Rotala. I adjusted the planting and some stems are surviving at the back but I think I will end up pulling it out. I'll see how it all pans out.

Questions, comments, critique all welcome.

Best Regards,
Re: "In The Arms of Cthulhu" - 180L - 31st Jan - Over Flow

Still loving it :thumbup:

Interesting what you say about the reactor. I have something similar and can't beat hair algae. About to change to an UP atomiser. Will be interesting to see if that makes a difference for the reasons you state.
Re: "In The Arms of Cthulhu" - 180L - 31st Jan - Over Flow

hotweldfire said:
Still loving it :thumbup:

Interesting what you say about the reactor. I have something similar and can't beat hair algae. About to change to an UP atomiser. Will be interesting to see if that makes a difference for the reasons you state.

I had an up atomiser on my corner before I had this same reactor. I didn't like the "fizzy bottle" look of the tank but also I had issues with the wrong working pressure of my regulator. BUT I do recall I had no algae issues when I had the atomiser and did after, but that might well have been due to other issues at the time.

The reason I massively over filtered this tank is due to the HUGE reduction in filter output when the reactor is inline. It took me a while to work that out the first time around. Even this time it's noticeable the difference between the flow coming from the ex1200 attached to the heater and the one attached to the reactor.
Re: "In The Arms of Cthulhu" - 180L - 31st Jan - Over Flow

Westyggx said:
First time seing this John, looks awsome mate.

Why thank you 🙂

Being the modest person I am i'd happily say its getting there. 😀