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in take postion


11 Jan 2010
just a quick poll for those of you using a spray bar configuration. where do you put your filter intake. back wall, side wall, high in the water low in the water. even on the front when no ones around. i tried the back conner but every plant in front of them got full of crap. now trying the side wall high up.
my intake is on the back right in the bottom corner, my spraybar is then above it on the right side wall at the top, so it sets up a circular flow..
My scape will be lower in the right than on the left. Therefore my outflow pipe will be at the back on the right and the return spraybar will come in from the same location and either flow the length of the tank from right to left or along the back. I am going to try both options and see if I can determine what gives me the best flow 🙂 Soon I will be getting lily pipes though, hehehe...
nice to see different methods. everyone talks about spray bars but not much about the intakes. I'm sure i've seen them near the front in some scapes.
danmil3s said:
nice to see different methods. everyone talks about spray bars but not much about the intakes. I'm sure i've seen them near the front in some scapes.

You probably have, and there may even have been good reason for it. I am not sure I would want to see it near the front of one of mine. Nowhere further forward than halfway would be my personal preference. After all, apart from lily pipes, they are a bit ugly.
Antipofish i'm having so little luck growing plants looking at the filter intake is the least of worries.
danmil3s said:
Antipofish i'm having so little luck growing plants looking at the filter intake is the least of worries.

Oh no 🙁 thats not good to hear. Any idea of the cause ?
not really sure following the rules. i've made a small adjustment to the angle of my spray bar out put so ill see how that goes.