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In need of opinions............

Andrew Butler

1 Feb 2016
Banbury, Oxfordshire
I am in need of a good educating and I think a good way is to hear everyone's opinions and take what I want from that.

I am planning to join the world of aquascaping and make my debut with a 'superfish home 60' to see how I get on before I commit. I welcome anyone to point me in the correct direction for upto date reading.........everything from preferred substrates to how people prepare their water. I have tried having a look through the forums but not found it the easiest thing going to find the information I am after so if it is just me please let me know!
George Farmer's Journals - also check his Youtube page for additional videos

SF Home 60

SF Expert 70

SF Home 80

there are other journals scattered about for SF tank series

Decide on what you'd like to do, then maybe start a Journal & list objectives/setup elements ... if you manage to add some pictures, there's always more following 😉
... 😀