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Improvement needed on 250ltr tank


15 Jan 2014
West Yorkshire
Hi ppl
I'm building up this 250 litre tank still and I'm getting nowhere fast.. Any advise would be much appreciated ... It's running full co2 and Ei
I'm wanting it to look more arranged than it is and a much better sense of depth




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Trimming the stems often will result in compact, bushy growth, therefore looking a little more organised.
I didn't know weather or not to move the rotela to the back in place of the amazon sword.. I just put the rotela there to grow it .. The amazon gets smashed by the plecs there must be 20 baby bristle nose in there.. Trying to pass them on slowly

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Bristlenoses arent the most 'plant-friendly' fish in the world, large, hungry, and clumsy, meaning plants can easily be eaten and uprooted. have you considered setting up a seperate tank for them or anything?
Bristlenoses arent the most 'plant-friendly' fish in the world, large, hungry, and clumsy, meaning plants can easily be eaten and uprooted. have you considered setting up a seperate tank for them or anything?
I had 2 in there before I planted a good few year ago but they decided to have young... I'm getting them all out 1 by 1 then I find more in the filter on water change ... I will end up taking them all to my lfs

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The right side looks good 🙂 I'd take the plant in the centre and put some in the back left corner to hide the silicone there (hard to get depth with a clear line showing where the tank ends). If there is room behind the sword then have it come across behind, otherwise just pop a bit to the right of the sword so it looks like it does.
The right side looks good 🙂 I'd take the plant in the centre and put some in the back left corner to hide the silicone there (hard to get depth with a clear line showing where the tank ends). If there is room behind the sword then have it come across behind, otherwise just pop a bit to the right of the sword so it looks like it does.
I'm with you on that ... I'll give it a go the sword is far back but I was thinking of removing it anyway so I'll trim it right back and try that way ... I can see where your coming from .., thanks 🙂

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That far left hand side looks loads better - sort of fades out now instead of having a definite end. The light coloured plant of the right side of the left group looks a bit out of place. Perhaps it's because it finished at the same point the other piece of wood ends - maybe add a bit behind the wood so it looks like it continues into the distance.

Could think about a short carpet plant in front of the right hand dark crypt? It might be the photo but the crypt blends into the substrate a bit at the moment.

I'd be pretty happy if that was my tank 🙂
That far left hand side looks loads better - sort of fades out now instead of having a definite end. The light coloured plant of the right side of the left group looks a bit out of place. Perhaps it's because it finished at the same point the other piece of wood ends - maybe add a bit behind the wood so it looks like it continues into the distance.

Could think about a short carpet plant in front of the right hand dark crypt? It might be the photo but the crypt blends into the substrate a bit at the moment.

I'd be pretty happy if that was my tank 🙂
Yeah I can see that now .. I'll try and play again tomorrow it is a dark crypt to the right.. I'll look for a nice tough carpet plant .. I have quite a bit of tiny tears in my other tank but I'm not sure that will stay put with some of the fish I have in there ... Any idea of a tough carpet plant I could use?

Thanks for the help by the way 🙂

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Another change as suggested ... Please keep the suggestions coming ... 🙂

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