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I'm back with a few questions!


17 Jul 2021
Eastern USA
Hey all,

After having to shut down my sumped 20 long due to life and being generally fed up with the idiosyncrasies of that set up I'm ready to make my return and try again.

This time round I won't be using the sump and also want to reuse as much equipment as I can. So that leaves me with needing to settle on a new 20 long or a 29. I'm thinking the 29 since I was annoyed with the lack of height before but am open to options.

Light will be either a fluval 3.0 or finnex ray 2. For filtration I just picked up a Oase Thermomaster 350. C02 will be either via my semi functional cegres reactor or another reactor of some sort.

So questions are would yall do a 20 long or 29 this time round? Also, what sort of inflow/outflows, lily pipes, etc would yall recommend for good flow?

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One more question, would say the Thermomaster 350 is enough flow or should I return it and step up to a 600?

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20 long is 30×12×12 inches and the 29 is 30×12×18 inches (L×W×H). So it's the same footprint for both, the 29 just has more height.

I personally prefer the look of long low tanks but I was getting annoyed with the lack of height on my previous 20 long

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Thing to consider is light penetration. For the higher tank…fluval 3.0 may not be strong enough. Higher tank is good for some plants though, like vallis and some Amazon swords.

Thing to consider is light penetration. For the higher tank…fluval 3.0 may not be strong enough. Higher tank is good for some plants though, like vallis and some Amazon swords.
Yeah I had an 18" tank before and lighting it was annoying. It also seems my fluval 3.0 has stopped working while in storage so I'll be going with the Ray 2, atleast at first.

I'm not looking for anything crazy for light levels, medium-low ish as plants will likely be mostly crypts, anubias, buce, and swords. Hoping to keep this tank lower maintenence then the previous one.

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I personally would always go for more tank volume for lots of reasons including the fact your interested in growing Crypts and Swordplants.
The plants you have selected don't really require too much light (with the exception of maybe the odd Swordplant).
But that's just me, Cheers!
I personally would always go for more tank volume for lots of reasons including the fact your interested in growing Crypts and Swordplants.
The plants you have selected don't really require too much light (with the exception of maybe the odd Swordplant).
But that's just me, Cheers!
Thanks, I think that's the way I'll go. The taller tank would let me grow C. Balansae again (one of my favorites) and try my hand at some of the taller crypts like C. Spiralis too which would be nice.

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