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IM BACK- Nature's River by Harry Robinson

Re: Nature's River By Harry Robinson 'Deficiency help please

There's loads of people on here mate. Just look at the old ForSale/Swap/Wanted section, find an old RCS for sale thread and PM the member.

Probably cheaper and better to get them from someone on here anyway 😀

I'd give you some, but I can't while I'm here 🙁
Re: Nature's River By Harry Robinson 'Deficiency help please

Very nice scape, I can't wait to see it grown out.
Re: Nature's River By Harry Robinson

Little update, HC was showing signs of melting and yellowing but after the up in dosage of carbo im seeing lots more horizontal growth and no more melting 🙂 Will be getting some shrimp this week, got a little algae that need seeing to!

Just 1 question, would 1.5ml easy carbo a day be okay for shrimp in my tank?

HC by Harry.R, on Flickr

1 week FTS
Natures River Harry Robinson by Harry.R, on Flickr
Re: Nature's River By Harry Robinson

So i've ordered some Eleocharis mini and styrogene repens from TGM both 1-2 grow becuase its brilliant stuff! I think i'll leave the shimp for a while until my tank its full grown in, then the shrimp will have lots of places and plants to explore 🙂
Re: Nature's River By Harry Robinson

Hey Harry,
Did you end up incresing the light or are you still using the 3ws? looks great btw
Re: Nature's River By Harry Robinson

Yes ollie, ive upgraded from 3w led's to 12w ones 🙂

I would get a smaller grain Ed but it would be so tricky adding it to the tank, and i kind of like how the big soil granules look like pebbles in a river 😉
Re: Nature's River By Harry Robinson

Yes i'm really pleased with the current state of the tank, i just need those plants to fill in! Will have some more 1-2 grow plants by Friday so im looking forward to that 🙂 Here's a picture un-edited.

un edited by Harry.R, on Flickr
Re: Nature's River By Harry Robinson

Harry I really do like this tank. You have chosen some great plants and the different types give good texture and balance, and as you say, when its grown more it will look awesome. The black background in this instance really adds to the overall appearance, so I would say definitely keep it :thumbup:

Whatever you have growing on the wood needs to be kept reasonably short IMO, and this will help maintain the illusion of scale. Add to that swapping that white grit for some finer white sand and I think it will be bang on. I know you said you liked the larger grain (and ultimately its your scape so thats what matters), but I cant help agreeing with someone else who suggested the same. The finer sand will bring much more illusion of scale. If you want to maintain the appearance of a riverbed then keep some of that grit and scatter it over randomly and even add a few slightly larger pebbles (though they would be small for what they are but would look like boulders in a riverbed). If you do swap it over it should not be too much of a PITA. Just drop the water level way down first and adding the replacement sand should not be that scary. You could take the opportunity to add some dividers in between the aquasoil and the riverbed 😉

Keep going mate, its really taking on a great appearance though. 🙂
Re: Nature's River By Harry Robinson

That's a really beautiful little tank Harry, great use of the space within a small tank. I particularly like the piece of wood branching across and coming out the top of the water, it almost extends the tank into the surroundings and makes it seem bigger, the sand path is nice as well. Love the second photo down in your first post (apart from the TPN bottle at the side) with the plant to the side, what effect/filter/app have you used on those first photos? Can we see a photo of the lights above it?
Re: Nature's River By Harry Robinson

Thanks chris, Im glad someone has picked out that i ahve chosen lots of plants to make it look as natural as possible. To add to that i'm getting two more species friday, Eleocharis mini and styrogene repens so im sure it will look even better when they arrive 🙂

I think i will keep the background, i love how everything looks alot greener.

I took your advice on the moss and have cut it short, must say it does look alot better!

Instead of using white sand for the river bed, do you think maybe that i could crush/grind the left over sand i have from doing this? Trust me i have alot left 😉
Re: Nature's River By Harry Robinson

We posted at the same time Emry haha 🙂

Thanks for the kind comments, i use picasa to edit my photos and just mess around with a few presets they have like cross processing and using a vignette to fade the edges 🙂

Gimme 5 mins and i'll post a pic of the whole setup in situ for you all
Re: Nature's River By Harry Robinson

Lol, its up to you, but I personally dont think you will get the right effect without a LOT of grinding (ooer). I would consider selling what you have left if you can and buying a small bag of whatever sand you like. Unipac do small bags that only cost about £4 :thumbup: But hey, why not try it with a small bit and see what happens.

(PS, its Staurogyne 😉 )
Re: Nature's River By Harry Robinson

I like it without the black background, it blends into the surroundings better and opens it all up more and the wood stands out, the black closes it all in a lot. I know what you mean about it enhancing the greens a lot which does look nice but for me your particular scape looks better without. Interesting lighting rig, how did you decide on how high to fit it in regards to how much light you wanted the tank to get?