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Ideas for nano tank on office desk?


26 Aug 2018
I’m bored of my office cubicle of 7 years. Some of my colleagues have nano tanks with bettas and the like so I guess it’s about time I have one in 2019.

Care to share a picture of yours? Or any ideas will be much appreciated.

My considerations:
-No CO2 injection
-Planted (hell yeah!)
-Low bio-load
-Monthly water change (possible?)

Just recently set-up a nano tank in my home office, a Do!aqua mini s. Did a dry start for 8 weeks for the monte carlo to root fully. Just using liquid co2 and daily ferts, with a twice weekly 50% water change at the minute but reduce this soon to a weekly WC. Just got cherry shrimp in here and will stay a shrimp only tank so low bio-load.


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Have you thought of the flexi mini Scape set?

£79.99 from Maidenhead aquatics, and it's superb. Only thing is you may or may not need co2 due to the strong light, but there are examples also of liquid carbon only aquascapes in it 🙂
Have you thought of the flexi mini Scape set?

£79.99 from Maidenhead aquatics, and it's superb. Only thing is you may or may not need co2 due to the strong light, but there are examples also of liquid carbon only aquascapes in it 🙂

I used Flexi mini light for my first tank previously. It could be too strong for the office setup cos I want the plants to go a tad slower, to reduce pruning and maintenance.

But good idea nonetheless 🙂