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I'd love to set up a anubias tank


27 May 2013
What kinda things should I watch for? I assume flow... this way I can avoid the bad habbits of black beard algae growing then what type of ferts should I use? I always figure this to be a very easy plant to keep and would figure with getting a couple nice pieces of manzanita in there I could tie up the pieces to the branches and let it go wild.

Anyways this would be inside a 10gallon aquarium

I'd use playsand as the substrate as nothing would be going into it since its better to tie anubias then bury it.
I got a t8 home depot light and a hood.
I also have access to flourish, and flourish excel and of course fish waste, I feed my fish a varied diet of flakes, pellets, live worms and frozen worms. So maybe this'll add more to the water when they release plant food from their bods.

Also I have a hob filter... but I'm looking more into a filter with a spray bar cause I'd really enjoy floating plants, do you think floaters would help reduce light that would hit since the light is quite bright I don't know its kelvin but I'd assume it could aid in growing floating plants I was thinking amazon frogbit or duckweed.
Plants don't care much about Kelvin so you don't need to worry too much about that. Floating plants will help in lowering light levels. Frogbit will be easier to manage than duckweed so you can try that, water lettuce is also a possibility.
Nice I shall try out this water lettuce, I've had duckweed before and it just seemed to die off... so figured maybe under a brighter light maybe it'd grow better. I remember frogbit from a while ago I had some in this tank~


But the roots would be eaten away by something then they turned yellow and died x---x I wonder what went wrong.

Also doe swater lettuce get big? Because I know fish tend to freak out less in lower light tanks when the light turns on, vs when the light is incredibly bright and it turns on, I always notice my frogs and beta tend to do quick fast jerks when it turns on.