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ID Help


8 Jan 2022
So today I noticed this seed looking thing stuck to the glass, not sure what it is or where it came from (maybe hitchhiked?)

Should I be worried about this? Any help to ID would be great, I have searched around and not found much on what it can be.


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Some close-ups would be helpful, but I'll give it a try if it's the tiny ones that look like rice grains you mean? From what I can see they don't appear to have a distinct head (which rules out planaria), but it could be some other kind of flatworm, then they should be very flat (obviously) and move with a gliding motion over the glass. The size is also about right for Ostracods, then they should look like tiny mussels scuttling around. If they're not moving then maybe some kind of egg (snail possibly).

Sorry for vague answers but the last one I can be a bit more sure about:
Should I be worried about this?
Probably not, the vast majority of freshwater invertebrates are harmless, or even beneficial, and are way more likely to get eaten by any fish than the other way around.
Some close-ups would be helpful, but I'll give it a try if it's the tiny ones that look like rice grains you mean?
Yes thats what im talking about, havent seen it before. I will take more clearer pictures. The seed looking things are not moving around. I only have 1 horned nerite snail but never had these seed things over the past few months. I do think it could be some kind of eggs