Looks like some sort of thread algae and maybe staghorn algae.
Either way the cause of both is probably low or fluctuating CO2 and/or poor CO2 flow and distribution and maybe organics build up.
I do use Hydrogen peroxide sometimes but I am always concerned about burning the young buce leafs or even the roots. What you guys thinks about that?Looks familiar, i have something like that too, with the naked eye and by feel i thought its Clado or something.. But i also noticed it branching and now i think its actualy a Characeae sp. Because if i look at it under 60x magnification (pocket microscope) it looks more like a plant than algae. But it hates H2O2 and can control it a bit with using this sometimes to spot treat. 🙂
Why so? They are easy to care for.Mollies in the past and they also eat it, but these are not realy my favorit fish to keep.
I used to have 12 CS in there but half died when I didn't so a water change for 2 weeks, or so I think. They might have died for other reasons as well. Never found their bodies but that's probably because there is 1 Clea Helena in there meant to take care of casualties like these. With 1 Clea Helena I know it will not reproduce so it's ok to have it.Try Amano and cherry shrimp, see if that helps.
Why so? They are easy to care for.