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IALPC 2012 New Judging Guidelines

hinch said:
would be easy enough to setup a website allowing people to enter and upload videos+pictures etc and then allow judges to vote.

the hard part would be securing some form of sponsorship with prizes to the top 3 for example
Go for it.

I can likely sort sponsorship.
George Farmer said:
hinch said:
would be easy enough to setup a website allowing people to enter and upload videos+pictures etc and then allow judges to vote.

the hard part would be securing some form of sponsorship with prizes to the top 3 for example
Go for it.

I can likely sort sponsorship.

I can sort some free hosting if needed i have a dedicated server hosted with http://hostforweb.com i can set you up a free hosting account with cpanel for it

Save the cost for hosting
hosting isn't an issue I have my own servers too its more a case of if you guys are serious about running a competition or not if you are then its worth while putting in the time to design and develop something i'm sure we've got a few designers here who can come up with some nice clean designs for us developers to work on.

out of interest what languages do you use for web development?
I can assure at least one sponsor for the contest :thumbup:
Let the fun begin. Just hope it does not die as all other topics about UK competition 🙂
I use almost everything

also use C# & C++ for phone apps

i could throw a basic site together in 24hrs

Just going to be a matter getting a domain sorted i know you can get a free .co.cc domain
but don't mind donating $5 towards domain name if we can get few donation then we can pay for a .com or .co.uk
ghostsword said:
Why not use a sub domain from ukaps?


that was what me and sc were just talking about figured we'd flesh out the concept get you guys involved first in what features / design / name / layout / logo etc we wanted and then have a chat with george about it after.
I would be happy to get involved in the graphic design part.

I graduated last summer in BA Graphic Arts and although I'm not mad into designing for the web I'd love to get involved in some kind of logo/identity that could be applied online. I can produce flat .pdf layouts with all the elements ready to code up if someone was happy to do the coding.

Give me a shout if you guys were interested, I don't want to step on anyones toes though 🙂

Maybe we could start a new thread with sub topics to discus different things that need to be organised.

speak to sussex he's going to handle some form of prettyness since i'm horrible I think png's rather than pdf's would be more useful though 🙂
hinch said:
speak to sussex he's going to handle some form of prettyness since i'm horrible I think png's rather than pdf's would be more useful though 🙂

That's all cool, I'll leave him to it 🙂

I was only thinking just a .pdf for the sake of a flat visual to throw something together. Of course I would include proper file types of the correct resolution as a bundle of artwork to be used for the final.

Give me a shout if you need anything :thumbup:
drop him a pm and offer to help i'm pretty sure a proper designer will come up with something better than either of us 2 🙂