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I want Advice on My First Planted Tank Setup


28 Feb 2025
Hey everyone,

I am new to the whole planted tank hobby & want advice. I set up a 60L tank & want to create a lush, natural-looking aquascape but I am a bit overwhelmed with all the info out there.

I have a fine gravel substrate a basic LED light that came with the tank & a small internal filter. Planning to add some easy plants such as Java Fern, Anubias & maybe some carpeting plants if I can manage it.
1. Do I need CO2 for a beginner setup, or can I get by with liquid carbon?
2. What is the best lighting schedule to avoid algae issues?
3. Any suggestion for beginner-friendly fertilizers?

Thank you..🙂 😊
I would probably start with easy plants that do fine without any source of added carbon & need no additional fertilizers.

In addition to the Anubias & ferns, consider corkscrew Vallisneria, Helanthium tenellum, Monoselenium tenerum ( it’s a liverwort), possibly Hemianthus glomeratus (Pearlgrass or Pearlweed), Heteranthera zosterifolia (Stargrass), which is very pretty once it gets going.

Be prepared for the transitional period as the plants that were grown emersed make the changes necessary to grow submersed and be sure you don’t bury the rhizomes of Anubias or the ferns. They grow epiphytically and will rot if they are buried.

Also consider Cryptocorynes - there are a lot of them but I’d stick with some of the smaller ones to begin with, C.wendti Green, C.nurii, C.albida Brown, etc.
I would probably start with easy plants that do fine without any source of added carbon & need no additional fertilizers.
All good advice above, but this for sure.
The plants you mention are slow growers and this hobby is about patience. However it's good to have something fast growing too
Heteranthera zosterifolia
is a nice option. Also floating plants are very much recommended here. Or personally, I love a good houseplant sticking out the top to soak up excess nutrients, peace lily and spider plants are cheap and available options that grow well
Agree with everything above. You don’t need CO2 with easy plants, and I would bother with liquid carbo (which actually isn’t a carbon source at all). I would say, though, that you should get an all in one fertiliser - one that provides NPK and micro (such as iron etc). Plants need feeding and not all will be available from you fish excrement.

In terms of lighting, start off with an 8hr day and then build up to 10 or even 12 hours - that’s what they get in tropical regions. Can you adjust light intensity?