Juwel Trigon 190 Aquarium
190 Litres
CO2 On at - 16.00
Lights on at - 17.00
CO2 Off at - 22.00
Lights Off - 23.00
Dose with JBL Ferrapol - Weekly with the water change
So I have good overall growth, however Im lacking something, the picture in the post shows leaves becoming see through, yet at the same time its growing - I assume Im deficient in something (maybe Iron) just not sure what ?
John B
190 Litres
CO2 On at - 16.00
Lights on at - 17.00
CO2 Off at - 22.00
Lights Off - 23.00
Dose with JBL Ferrapol - Weekly with the water change
So I have good overall growth, however Im lacking something, the picture in the post shows leaves becoming see through, yet at the same time its growing - I assume Im deficient in something (maybe Iron) just not sure what ?
John B