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27 Jun 2010
ive just found this picture and i really want to make a replica of this scape in my tank

my tank is 650mm long 610mm high and 400mm deep front to back

now this is what i have now after a fresh start today but still lacks something so my plan is to go with java fern and anubius only but will keep the moss also

it stated as this

and i wasnt happy with it so went to this

but now i really want to make it look like this

only thing is my tank is fairly high but this scape seems to be quite a good height also my question is if i do this how would i get the bogwood in the back ground to go how it is in this setup so that i could tie my java fern and anubius to it so its sat how it is on the picture also would i be able to keep my sand in this scape as its quite low tech and there aint anything really planted in the soil anyway 🙂

thank you in advance for any help

i will still be running diy co2 on a bubble counter with glass dispenser and liquid ferts
Hi Alan,

My critique ....

Your stones are not working with your scape, especially the odd colored one to the right. You can mix rock and wood, but you can mix different types or wood or rock.

Also, the stones look out on their own, they may look better nestled at the base of your wood, as if the wood has grown around them. And try and find nice angles for the stone to point..... Diagonal lines work very well in an aquarium.

Hope this gets you thinks.
