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I just spent 2hrs writing a tank journal and lost it by hitting the back button :(


24 Oct 2015
I feel slightly destroyed by this as I am already three weeks behind in my blog and was looking forward to sharing progress, but also catching up with the blog so that I could start to get feedback.

Anyone want a sneak peak at what the tanks looking like now? lol
Shh, keep it a secret or people wont want to read the blog when I finally get it in the journal section! lol
Is the picture OK? I haven't used flikr before now, any tips on posting links via flikr. I posted via bb link - I don't know what bb link is and I work in I.T. lol
write your text in Google Docs and copy and paste it when you need it. GDocs constantly saves your work.
All handy helpful tips, thanks guys.
I should have known better. I did start off in word, but then added the pics in the ukaps and did the editing there so I could see what was going on! I had a dupe pic, so was on the final stages of cleaning up and rather than delete button to delete I hit the backspace button! Lol.

I am sure version 2 will be better when I sit down to pull it together again!

Glad you like the current tank pic.