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Hygrophila Salicifolia


15 Jan 2014
West Yorkshire
I bought some Hygrophila Salicifolia
Last week from my lfs, it looked like nice small leafs to go in my background, anyway planted it but it doesn't seem to be moving at all, it's loosing a few leafs but it's not dead .. Any info on this plant would be appreciated


Hi Mick
99% of plants bought in Fish stores are grown out of water. ..emersed!
Therefore need time to acclimatise to submerged life....
Co2/fertilisers/lighting..speeds this process up....plus you will have healthier plants...If you have the above nutrients.
They have gone into a high tech setup .. Just seem to be showing no signs as yet .. But I'm not the most patient person haha.. I'll just have to sit back and wait .. Cheers 🙂
It'll shed it's emerged leaves as you know but from my experiences with this plant over the years, once fresh growth starts it's quite fast growing tho I found the aerial roots a pain in the... 🙂

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Like Andy says, it will likely shed most of current leaves - but when growing in, it will resemble Hyg. siamensis; relatively fast and easy.
Thanks 🙂 .. I must admit I didn't realise they shed there leaves, it's something I'd not noticed before 🙂 in the past I've pulled plants out thinking there dead .. Oops!!