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Hydro Koralia Nano (power head)

25 Nov 2011
Is this powerhead to much for a 6G nano?

its ment to put out 900LPH

Is this too much for shrimps?

I just need it to distribute co2 around the tank.
Hi there,
i have one of these in my 180l tank and it moves a fair amount of water. The flow will be strong in a 6g tank, but more importantly the suction in a confined space may cause problems for the shrimp. The draw is amazing and its shredded quite a few of my plants (namely crypt balansae) and it could well do the same to your shrimp/shrimplets.
id say maybe a little to much for the nano.
Hope this helps
Oh well ill forget that idea 😀, know of any other decent power heads for a nano?
Sorry not off hand. has the tank got any filter/circulation device with it already or are you building it up from scratch?
It came with a filter but theres a large hole were the wire goes into it right at the top that sucks in most of the water so if i cover it the spray bar wouldnt work properly. It sucked in a 1.5" pinochio shrimp im sure it would make an easy jon of a 0.5cm blue pearl. Theres currently a sponge filter in there at the moment but it produces no flow at all.
you can reduce the flow by rotating part of the housing. a good little powerhead.
Ive found this with my Hydor Koralia Evolution 750 it ripping all the plants up so not using it till everything is well rooted in or

i had idea of adding a Rotary Volume Fan Light Control Switch this would allow you to control the amount of voltage going to the power head allowing you to set the speed of the motor I'm going to try this at weekend see if it works