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hydor inline heater question, semi urgent...

Iain Sutherland

Administrator/Committee Member
7 Jul 2011
Hi, just finishing a 11 hr rescape and have a slight problem. I have a hydor inline heater but i cant attach it to my fluval as the tubing is the ribbed sort and dont think i can attach it to that.
I also run an eheim but that has the inline atomiser on the outlet.
So can i put the inline heater on the intake tube to the filter or does it have to be on the outlet??

I have read about others having to swap from the ribbed tubing, to normal tubing, as a proper seal is hard to create. Also i have seen atomisers on the intake, but i'm sure they work better on the outlet.

hope this helps.
Is there not enough room for the heater and the atomizer on the outflow, this is how I have mine?

The problem with using the heater on the inlet is all the gunk gets caught in it which can lead to heater failures. If you must use it like this be sure to clean out the heater regularly.

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I recently saw some ribbed external/smooth internal filter piping at my LFS - I did debate buying some at a future date...shame it was black, but it most certainly would not kink!