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hydor external heater malfunction


10 Mar 2008
My hydor eth300 malfunctioned today and cooked my tank.
The dial was not knocked at all.

It took 50l of cold water and a bag of ice to get things to normal.

The tank is so densely planted, and with dark water at the moment (blackwater conditions) that I can not fully assess the damage. I can see at a glance that I've lost a lot of CRS though.

I will not be recommending Hydor external heaters :evil:
currently running two of them on my 450L makes me a bit worried!
better get the ice in the freezer now...... :lol:

sorry for your losses mate. i remember when i lost 5 SS+ grade CRS's due to mental hot temps.
Ajm200 said:
That's awful. Hope the losses are restricted to a few fish.

Hopefully no fish!
Just CRS that I can see.
Thankfully I was in tonight, I can imagine I would have lost every thing had the Hydor stayed on overnight.
I lost a whole tank to a malfunctioning heater during that really hot summer in 2006. Water was extremely hot when I found it. Had cooked all the fish. You are so lucky to have spotted it.
I had the same. Cooked a tank that I'd only just set up. Killed everything still not got a replacement from hydor despite them promising me one.
That really is harsh ajm.

...and I remember your incident well Gareth. I actually thought of you the second I realised it was the heater at fault!

I'm not even going to bother calling Hydor. If they sent me a replacement I would not trust it anyway. £150 to replace the CRS would be nice, but we all know that is not going to happen! :lol:
I remember that too 🙁
Was nice how everyone clubbed together and sent you replacement plants though :thumbup:

Everyone feel free to send me any spare SSS CRS you have :lol: (mine were barely even graded shrimp by the way :lol: )
I've just looked at a grading guide and I reckon they were a mix of grade A and B's.