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Critique my aquascape How would you improve this scape?


27 Apr 2018
Kansas, USA
So I set up this 10g/38l about 9 months ago, but it has been sadly neglected recently. This is my first semi-serious attempt at an aquascape (or at least the first scape where the limiting factor was my own creativity rather than lack of plants/hardscape). I'm getting ready to really get serious with my aquascapes with a high tech system and such, and I'm getting ready to build a scape box to practice my hardscapes first.
Before I start on any new scapes I thought it would be really helpful to get some feedback on this one. There are several things I would do differently, but i'm curious to see what you guys come up with. Please be brutal, I promise you won't hurt my feelings!

Also on a similar note, how would you improve this scape from the way it is? I'll try to spare you a wall of text, but the place I have the tank makes it a royal pain to do any sort of filter maintenance or water changes, which is part of why I've neglected it (other reason being laziness). The tank is pretty low tech, high light but low ferts and no CO2. I'm currently working on fixing some nutrient deficiencies that went on way too long, so I'm aware that I need to fix plant health.

I recently purchased a CO2 tank, nicer lights, and dry ferts for EI dosing. I have a convenient stand in my bedroom where I can more easily do maintenance, so my plan is to 'fix' this tank and try to make it look as nice as I can before I tear it down when I move in August. I'd love some suggestions for changes I can make to an established aquarium, like if there is one of the smaller rocks that could be moved slightly, or adding stem plants in the back or something.

Plant list is:
lilaeopsis brasiliensis (forms most of the carpet)
Staurogen repens
Marsilea crenata (little bit here and there in the carpet)

Anubias nana
Anubias congensis (top right, growing back after issues)
Bucephalandra (several varieties)

Plus a few mosses that keep growing back, remnants from a previous scape

I'll attach a few pictures, one from when I first set it up, and then a crappy picture I took thismorning before work that shows the state of the carpeting plants and such.

Thank you for your help
-DylanKvDrPot.jpg 2THq4VL.jpg
Hello Dylan
I set up this 10g/38l

With all those big rocks you have far less water in your tank.

It looks like its viewed from both sides if so it can make it a lot harder to get that "Perfect Aquascape"

Here are a few examples you could have fun with.
Similar rocks creating a pleasing triangular shape.
Low half round make this easy to look at.
A very simple Scape using 1 larger rock again easy to look at.
For your smaller tank the center formation would look excellent in your tank.

Your Aquascape for your first attempt it's OK but using one of the above Aquascapes as a guide you could have an Aquascape easy to look at and be very proud of it.

Thanks for the input Keith, I appreciate the example photos. Once I move the tank I'll have to play around for a bit and see if I can't salvage the scape or if not I'll just recycle the rocks and plants for something much better. I really like the front right stone and had tried to plan the scape around it, but I think I just ended up with a pile of rocks with a pretty rock sitting on top. I think it might work better in a larger tank as an interesting facet of a larger scape.
Sorry for the delayed response, but I found a few pictures of the rock I am talking about. It is the bottom right in the main pictures, I have a close up, and then a picture of the rock upside down from one of the preliminary scapes I had played around with for this tank. Seiryu Stone tends to be a little less jagged and less square than some of the other similar popular stones, but the straight lines and blockiness of this piece reminded me of the rock formations in the canyon I spend most of my summers living near.Rqny6VX.jpg 93QUI8L.jpg qVqRdYR.jpg

There is nothing wrong with your rock/s its just placing them in a pleasing to the eye aquascape.
Do a Google on that area and you might get a few ideas.
