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How to transition from High tech to Low Tech with minimal Alage issues

Aqua Hero

8 May 2015
Hello, my high-tech scape has fully grown now and I'm kinda getting tired of the crazy growth and want to turn it into a low tech for less maintenence.

What's the best way about doing this with in minimal algae issues

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Well I sort of did this without an issue on my 500L tank 'Olympus is Calling', it was cause by Covid and lack of CO2 refills, as I was using a 6Kg about every six weeks,. I basically turned the CO2 injection right down, so it was very minimal compared to before, turn the light intensity right down and reduced the amount of ferts I dosed.
Well I sort of did this without an issue on my 500L tank 'Olympus is Calling', it was cause by Covid and lack of CO2 refills, as I was using a 6Kg about every six weeks,. I basically turned the CO2 injection right down, so it was very minimal compared to before, turn the light intensity right down and reduced the amount of ferts I dosed.
So you reckon I can get away with just turning off the co2 and dimming the lights of the bat.

I have a bunch of floating plants that can cover the entire surface

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Every tank is different, plus some plants might not do very well or carpets. I got away with going from a high pH drop to minimal pH drop and my carpet was 50cm deep, can't remember How much I turned the Light intensity down.
Thinking about it it may not off been Covid but a general shortage of CO2 in the UK
Hello, my high-tech scape has fully grown now and I'm kinda getting tired of the crazy growth and want to turn it into a low tech for less maintenence.

What's the best way about doing this with in minimal algae issues

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Maybe not go for the full 1pH drop, but reduce co2 to get a half pH drop.