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How to prune Hygro Pinnatifida


25 Jan 2011
I have 4 clumps of this hygro. Its growing well, after about 6 weeks, but mainly upwards in a single stem. What's the best way of pruning this? Will it get bushier if pruned? Do I prune just above a set of leaves and plants the top bit deep down so the next set of leaves are just above the substrate?
i have this in my tank and to get two different styles of growth you can prune differently.
Topping off, like you said, above two leaves will give new shoots from that area and you can replant the top.
To get horizontal runner type growth for lower filling ive found that if you cut just below the two leaves, remove the two lower leaves, then plant in the substrate, shoots develop sideways and form seperate plantlets that in turn grow roots.
Jeez, that sounds both cool, and triffid-ish. Having seen one of George's tanks (or was it oliver knott?) with this having gone nuts, bit wary of filling my tank with it.
If I chop just below the two leaves and remove them, instead of growing into shoots, those leaf buds grow under the substrate into new plants, whereas if a I chop above them and replant the top piece - most of that stem length grows roots and the leaf nodes obviously remain above water and just carrying on growing up?
think i have mine in too much light. It looks great amongst bolbitis.