Want some advice RE transfering my aquarium into a new, larger tank.
Current tank is 70 litres, new one will be 160 litres.
Current tank has aqua soil, and then gravel, some gravel has mixed with the aqua soil but I have some new aqua soil left over.
New aquarium, I have bought mesh bags to put aqua soil (will try not to get much gravel in there but may be a bit) then cover with sand.
Couple of questions - Should I transfer fish straight away, or would like to get the new aquarium set up and running for a while? (have bought new filter and heater for it) however if I want to set it up, I will need to take at least some of the current substrate from the old tank. That will also mean transfering some of the plants?
Also, should I use the water from the old tank, and top it up with fresh (treated) water or just use completely fresh water?
Third question - should I transfer the media from old filter to the new one? I guess this would only work if I was to do this on the day I transfered the fish?
Basically, how do I make it least stressful. I only have 4 corys at the moment 🙂
EDIT read someone thing say siphon current tank water into a bucket, gentle scoop fish out with a net and add to bucket. Then set up new tank, and transfer fish immediately (providing water temp is the same).
Current tank is 70 litres, new one will be 160 litres.
Current tank has aqua soil, and then gravel, some gravel has mixed with the aqua soil but I have some new aqua soil left over.
New aquarium, I have bought mesh bags to put aqua soil (will try not to get much gravel in there but may be a bit) then cover with sand.
Couple of questions - Should I transfer fish straight away, or would like to get the new aquarium set up and running for a while? (have bought new filter and heater for it) however if I want to set it up, I will need to take at least some of the current substrate from the old tank. That will also mean transfering some of the plants?
Also, should I use the water from the old tank, and top it up with fresh (treated) water or just use completely fresh water?
Third question - should I transfer the media from old filter to the new one? I guess this would only work if I was to do this on the day I transfered the fish?
Basically, how do I make it least stressful. I only have 4 corys at the moment 🙂
EDIT read someone thing say siphon current tank water into a bucket, gentle scoop fish out with a net and add to bucket. Then set up new tank, and transfer fish immediately (providing water temp is the same).
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